Julie T. Miao
Julie T. Miao
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Varieties of urban entrepreneurialism
NA Phelps, JT Miao
Dialogues in Human Geography 10 (3), 304-321, 2020
Housing and Capital in the 21st Century
D Maclennan, J Miao
Housing, Theory and Society 34 (2), 127-145, 2017
E-commerce and the transformation of the rural: the Taobao village phenomenon in Zhejiang Province, China
CC Wang, JT Miao, NA Phelps, J Zhang
Journal of Rural Studies 81, 159-169, 2021
The second cold war: US-China competition for centrality in infrastructure, digital, production, and finance networks
S Schindler, I Alami, J DiCarlo, N Jepson, S Rolf, MK Bayırbağ, L Cyuzuzo, ...
Geopolitics 29 (4), 1083-1120, 2024
The intrapreneurial state: Singapore’s emergence in the smart and sustainable urban solutions field
JT Miao, NA Phelps
Territory, Politics, Governance 7 (3), 316-335, 2019
Parallelism and evolution in transnational policy transfer networks: The case of Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP)
JT Miao
Regional Studies 52 (9), 1191-1200, 2018
Optical illusion? The growth and development of the Optics Valley of China
JT Miao, P Hall
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 32 (5), 863-879, 2014
Making 21st century knowledge complexes
JT Miao, P Benneworth, NA Phelps
Taylor & Francis, 2015
‘Featured town’fever: The anatomy of a concept and its elevation to national policy in China
JT Miao, NA Phelps
Habitat International 87, 44-53, 2019
Housing the knowledge economy in China: An examination of housing provision in support of science parks
JT Miao
Urban Studies 54 (6), 1426-1445, 2017
Understanding the soft power of China’s Belt and Road Initiative through a discourse analysis in Europe
JT Miao
Regional Studies, Regional Science 8 (1), 162-177, 2021
Polycentric urbanization as enclave urbanization: A research agenda with illustrations from the Yangtze River Delta Region (YRDR), China
NA Phelps, JT Miao, X Zhang
Territory, Politics, Governance 11 (2), 261-280, 2023
The trials of China’s technoburbia: the case of the Future Sci-tech City Corridor in Hangzhou
JT Miao, NA Phelps, T Lu, CC Wang
Urban Geography 40 (10), 1443-1466, 2019
Urban sprawl as policy sprawl: Distinguishing Chinese capitalism’s suburban spatial fix
JT Miao, NA Phelps
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 112 (4), 1179-1194, 2022
Planning particularities: Reinterpreting urban planning in China with the case of Chengdu
JT Miao
Planning Theory & Practice 20 (4), 512-536, 2019
Think locally, act locally: A critique of China’s specialty town program in practice
X Hu, W Xu, JT Miao
Geographical Review 111 (3), 393-414, 2021
Exploring the ‘middle ground’between state and market: the example of China
JT Miao, D Maclennan
Housing Studies 32 (1), 73-94, 2017
The Belt and Road Initiative as epochal regionalisation
X Chen, JT Miao, X Li
Routledge, 2021
Knowledge economy challenges for the post-developmental state: Tsukuba Science City as an in-between place
JT Miao
Town Planning Review 89 (1), 61-84, 2018
Science and Technology Parks: does one size fit all?: The importance of park and firm heterogeneity
A Albahari
Making 21st Century Knowledge Complexes, 191-206, 2015
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