Marcin Mycek
Cited by
Cited by
Verification and validation of evacuation models–methodology expansion proposition
R Lubaś, M Mycek, J Porzycki, J Wąs
Transportation Research Procedia 2, 715-723, 2014
Dynamic data–driven simulation of pedestrian movement with automatic validation
J Porzycki, R Lubaś, M Mycek, J Wąs
Traffic and Granular Flow'13, 129-136, 2015
Pedestrian spatial self-organization according to its nearest neighbor position
J Porzycki, M Mycek, R Lubaś, J Wąs
Transportation Research Procedia 2, 201-206, 2014
Validation and Verification of CA-Based Pedestrian Dynamics Models.
R Lubas, J Porzycki, J Was, M Mycek
J. Cell. Autom. 11 (4), 285-298, 2016
Three different approaches in pedestrian dynamics modeling–a case study
R Lubaś, J Miller, M Mycek, J Porzycki, J Wąs
New Results in Dependability and Computer Systems: Proceedings of the 8th …, 2013
Application of nist technical note 1822 to ca crowd dynamics models verification and validation
J Porzycki, R Lubaś, M Mycek, J Wąs
Cellular Automata: 11th International Conference on Cellular Automata for …, 2014
An Expanded Concept of the “Borrowed Time” in Pedestrian Dynamics Simulations
M Mycek, R Lubaś, J Porzycki, J Wąs
Traffic and Granular Flow'13, 257-263, 2015
An expanded concept of the borrowed time as a mean of increasing the average speed isotropy on regular grids
M Mycek
New Results in Dependability and Computer Systems: Proceedings of the 8th …, 2013
Wpływ geometrii kanału na kinetykę wypływu: modelowanie procesów ewakuacji pieszych
M Mycek
Modelowanie i symulacja ewakuacji ludzi z tuneli
J Wąs, J Rakoczy, M Rus, J Porzycki, R Lubaś, M Mycek, K Szawan
Budownictwo Górnicze i Tunelowe, 24--27, 2014
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Articles 1–10