Emma Schleiger
Emma Schleiger
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Cited by
Collaborative Intelligence: A scoping review of current applications
E Schleiger, C Mason, C Naughtin, A Reeson, C Paris
Applied Artificial Intelligence 38 (1), 2327890, 2024
Forty years in the making: A systematic review of the megatrends literature
CK Naughtin, E Schleiger, A Bratanova, A Terhorst, S Hajkowicz
Futures, 103329, 2024
Resolving ethics trade-offs in implementing responsible AI
C Sanderson, E Schleiger, D Douglas, P Kuhnert, Q Lu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.08103, 2024
Australia’s artificial intelligence ecosystem: The second update
S Hajkowicz, A Bratanova, E Schleiger, C Naughtin
AI ethics principles in practice: Perspectives of designers and developers
C Sanderson, D Douglas, Q Lu, E Schleiger, J Whittle, J Lacey, ...
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society 4 (2), 171-187, 2023
Prioritising Investment Opportunities in Research and Development Using Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis
A Bratanova, JA Ford, E Schleiger
Available at SSRN 4365253, 2023
Australia’s artificial intelligence ecosystem: Catalysing an AI industry
S Hajkowicz, A Bratanova, E Schleiger, C Naughtin
CSIRO, Canberra. The authors would like to thank the many experts and …, 2023
Differentiating artificial intelligence activity clusters in Australia
A Bratanova, H Pham, C Mason, S Hajkowicz, C Naughtin, E Schleiger, ...
Technology in Society 71, 102104, 2022
Differentiating artificial intelligence capability clusters in Australia
A Bratanova, H Pham, C Mason, S Hajkowicz, C Naughtin, E Schleiger, ...
Artificial intelligence for science–Adoption trends and future development pathways
S Hajkowicz, C Naughtin, C Sanderson, E Schleiger, S Karimi, ...
kkk kkkS cluster analysis we identify three tiers of AI capability regions that are developing across the economy:“AI
A Bratanova, H Pham, C Mason, S Hajkowicz, C Naughtin, E Schleiger, ...
Technology in Society 71, 102104, 2022
Our future world: Global megatrends impacting the way we live over coming decades
C Naughtin, S Hajkowicz, E Schleiger, A Bratanova, A Cameron, T Zamin, ...
A New Chapter: Opportunities to seed new industries for Queensland over the coming decade.
C Naughtin, C Moyle, V Pandey, C Renando, L Poruschi, ...
CSIRO Publishing, 2021
Global trade and investment megatrends
S Hajkowicz, A Bratanova, E Schleiger, A Brosnan
Artificial intelligence: Australia’s ethics framework-a discussion paper
D Dawson, E Schleiger, J Horton, J McLaughlin, C Robinson, G Quezada, ...
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Department of …, 2019
Artificial intelligence in Australia needs to get ethical, so we have a plan
E Schleiger, S Hajkowicz
The Conversation, 2019
The future of Australia’s agricultural workforce
W Wu, D Dawson, D Fleming-Muņoz, E Schleiger, J Horton
Retrieved from Canberra, Australia: https://www. qff. org. au/blog/future …, 2019
The future of peer-to-peer trading of distributed renewable energy
W Wu W, G Quezada, E Schleiger, A Bratanova, P Graham, B Spak
Poststroke QEEG informs early prognostication of cognitive impairment
E Schleiger, A Wong, S Read, T Rowland, S Finnigan
Psychophysiology 54 (2), 301-309, 2017
Investigating the ability of post-stroke EEG measures of brain dysfuntion to inform early prediction of cognitive impairment or depression outcomes
E Schleiger
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Articles 1–20