Martin Enderlein
Martin Enderlein
TOPTICA Projects GmbH
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Cited by
Quantum walk of a trapped ion in phase space
H Schmitz, R Matjeschk, C Schneider, J Glueckert, M Enderlein, T Huber, ...
Physical review letters 103 (9), 090504, 2009
Optical trapping of an ion
C Schneider, M Enderlein, T Huber, T Schätz
Nature Photonics 4 (11), 772-775, 2010
Single ions trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice
M Enderlein, T Huber, C Schneider, T Schaetz
Physical Review Letters 109 (23), 233004, 2012
Experimental simulation and limitations of quantum walks with trapped ions
R Matjeschk, C Schneider, M Enderlein, T Huber, H Schmitz, J Glueckert, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (3), 035012, 2012
Influence of static electric fields on an optical ion trap
C Schneider, M Enderlein, T Huber, S Dürr, T Schaetz
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 013422, 2012
Decoherence-Assisted Spectroscopy of a Single Ion
G Clos, M Enderlein, U Warring, T Schaetz, D Leibfried
Physical Review Letters 112 (11), 113003, 2014
The “arch” of simulating quantum spin systems with trapped ions
H Schmitz, A Friedenauer, C Schneider, R Matjeschk, M Enderlein, ...
Applied Physics B 95, 195-203, 2009
Series production of next-generation guide-star lasers at TOPTICA and MPBC
M Enderlein, A Friedenauer, R Schwerdt, P Rehme, D Wei, V Karpov, ...
Adaptive Optics Systems IV 9148, 49-59, 2014
Active and passive stabilization of a high-power violet frequency-doubled diode laser
U Eismann, M Enderlein, K Simeonidis, F Keller, F Rohde, D Opalevs, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JTu5A. 65, 2016
Sodium Guide Star (R) Evolution: A novel sodium guide star laser enables next‐generation adaptive optics for ground‐based astronomy
M Enderlein, WG Kaenders
Optik & Photonik 11 (5), 31-35, 2016
Robust remote-pumping sodium laser for advanced LIDAR and guide star applications
B Ernstberger, M Enderlein, A Friedenauer, R Schwerdt, D Wei, V Karpov, ...
Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XVIII 9641, 113-122, 2015
ALASCA: the ESA Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Optical Feeder Link demonstrator facility
R Biasi, DB Calia, M Centrone, M Enderlein, M Faccini, OJ Farley, ...
International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2022 12777, 2219-2236, 2023
Laser guide star return-flux gain from frequency chirping
J Hellemeier, M Enderlein, M Hager, D Bonaccini Calia, RL Johnson, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511 (3), 4660-4668, 2022
Quantum walks with nonorthogonal position states
R Matjeschk, A Ahlbrecht, M Enderlein, C Cedzich, AH Werner, M Keyl, ...
Physical review letters 109 (24), 240503, 2012
Optical ion trapping for (scalable) quantum simulations and ultracold chemistry experiments
M Enderlein
Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2013, 2013
Quantum odyssey of photons
T Schätz, C Schneider, M Enderlein, T Huber, R Matjeschk
ChemPhysChem 12 (1), 71-74, 2011
SodiumStar–The sodium guide star laser by TOPTICA Projects GmbH
M Enderlein
SPIE Exhibition Product Demonstrations, AS20EX0F, 2020
Novel 63W CW 589nm chirped laser for laser guide star adaptive optics
DB Calia, W Hackenberg, D Wei, M Enderlein, S Hepp, W Clements, ...
Adaptive Optics Systems VIII 12185, 121852X, 2022
Laser system for Generating Single-Sideband Modulated Laser Radiation
M Enderlein, A Zach
US Patent App. 16/565,778, 2021
Adaptive Optics: ESO's Very Large Telescope sees four times first (laser) light
M Enderlein, WG Kaenders, DB Calia
Laser Focus World, 2016
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Articles 1–20