Scott A Taylor
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Cited by
Insights from genomes into the evolutionary importance and prevalence of hybridization in nature
SA Taylor, EL Larson
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (2), 170-177, 2019
Plumage Genes and Little Else Distinguish the Genomes of Hybridizing Warblers
D Toews, SA Taylor, R Vallender, A Brelsford, B Butcher, P Messer, ...
Current Biology 26 (17), 2313–2318, 2016
Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics
S Feng, J Stiller, Y Deng, J Armstrong, QI Fang, AH Reeve, D Xie, G Chen, ...
Nature 587 (7833), 252-257, 2020
Hybrid zones: windows on climate change
S Taylor, E Larson, R Harrison
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2015
Breaking barriers: causes, consequences, and experimental utility of human-mediated hybridization
KC Grabenstein, SA Taylor
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33 (3), 198-212, 2018
Climate-mediated movement of an avian hybrid zone
SA Taylor, TA White, WM Hochachka, V Ferretti, RL Curry, I Lovette
Current Biology 24 (6), 671-676, 2014
The evolution and genetics of carotenoid processing in animals
D Toews, N Hofmeister, S Taylor
Trends in Genetics, 2017
Differentially expressed genes match bill morphology and plumage despite largely undifferentiated genomes in a H olarctic songbird
NA Mason, SA Taylor
Molecular Ecology 24 (12), 3009-3025, 2015
Genomic approaches to understanding population divergence and speciation in birds
DPL Toews, L Campagna, SA Taylor, CN Balakrishnan, DT Baldassarre, ...
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133 (1), 13-30, 2016
Spatiotemporally consistent genomic signatures of reproductive isolation in a moving hybrid zone
SA Taylor, RL Curry, TA White, V Ferretti, I Lovette
Evolution 68 (11), 3066-3081, 2014
A comparative assessment of SNP and microsatellite markers for assigning parentage in a socially monogamous bird
S Kaiser, SA Taylor, N Chen, S Sillett, E Bondra, M Webster
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2016
Rapid speciation via the evolution of pre-mating isolation in the Iberá Seedeater
SP Turbek, M Browne, AS Di Giacomo, C Kopuchian, WM Hochachka, ...
Science 371 (6536), eabc0256, 2021
Insect hybridization and climate change
EL Larson, RM Tinghitella, SA Taylor
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 348, 2019
Concerted evolution of duplicated mitochondrial control regions in three related seabird species
JA Morris-Pocock, SA Taylor, TP Birt, VL Friesen
BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 1-10, 2010
Selection on VPS13A linked to migration in a songbird
DPL Toews, SA Taylor, HM Streby, GR Kramer, IJ Lovette
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (37), 18272-18274, 2019
Population genetic structure in Atlantic and Pacific Ocean common murres (Uria aalge): natural replicate tests of post‐Pleistocene evolution
JA Morris‐Pocock, SA Taylor, TP Birt, M Damus, JF Piatt, KI Warheit, ...
Molecular Ecology 17 (22), 4859-4873, 2008
At-sea movement patterns and diving behavior of Peruvian boobies Sula variegata in northern Peru
CB Zavalaga, JN Halls, GP Mori, SA Taylor, G Dell’Omo
Marine Ecology Progress Series 404, 259-274, 2010
Genetics and evidence for balancing selection of a sex-linked colour polymorphism in a songbird
KW Kim, BC Jackson, H Zhang, DPL Toews, SA Taylor, EI Greig, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 1852, 2019
A supergene underlies linked variation in color and morphology in a Holarctic songbird
ER Funk, NA Mason, S Pálsson, T Albrecht, JA Johnson, SA Taylor
Nature Communications 12 (1), 6833, 2021
High-throughput sequencing is revealing genetic associations with avian plumage color
ER Funk, SA Taylor
The Auk 136 (4), ukz048, 2019
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Articles 1–20