Zachari Swiecki
Cited by
Cited by
In search of conversational grain size: Modeling semantic structure using moving stanza windows
AL Siebert-Evenstone, GA Irgens, W Collier, Z Swiecki, AR Ruis, ...
Journal of Learning Analytics 4 (3), 123-139, 2017
Assessment in the age of artificial intelligence
Z Swiecki, H Khosravi, G Chen, R Martinez-Maldonado, JM Lodge, ...
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 3, 100075, 2022
A novel paradigm for engineering education: Virtual internships with individualized mentoring and assessment of engineering thinking
NC Chesler, AR Ruis, W Collier, Z Swiecki, G Arastoopour, ...
Journal of biomechanical engineering 137 (2), 024701, 2015
Teaching and Assessing Engineering Design Thinking with Virtual Internships and Epistemic Network Analysis
G Arastoopour Irgens, DW Shaffer, Z Swiecki, AR Ruis, NC Chesler
International Journal of Engineering Education, 2015
Assessing individual contributions to collaborative problem solving: a network analysis approach
Z Swiecki, AR Ruis, C Farrell, DW Shaffer
Computers in Human Behavior 104, 105876, 2020
The mathematical foundations of epistemic network analysis
D Bowman, Z Swiecki, Z Cai, Y Wang, B Eagan, J Linderoth, DW Shaffer
Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: Second International Conference, ICQE …, 2021
Epistemic network analysis (version 1.7. 0)[Software]
CL Marquart, C Hinojosa, Z Swiecki, B Eagan, DW Shaffer
Available from app. epistemicnetwork. org, 2018
What do you mean by collaboration analytics? A conceptual model
R Martinez-Maldonado, D Gašević, V Echeverria, GF Nieto, Z Swiecki, ...
Journal of Learning Analytics 8 (1), 126-153, 2021
Supporting teachers' intervention in students' virtual collaboration using a network based model
T Herder, Z Swiecki, SS Fougt, AL Tamborg, BB Allsopp, DW Shaffer, ...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and …, 2018
iSENS: an integrated approach to combining epistemic and social network analyses
Z Swiecki, DW Shaffer
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics …, 2020
Epistemic network analysis as a tool for engineering design assessment
G Arastoopour, NC Chesler, DW Shaffer, Z Swiecki
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 26.679. 1-26.679. 19, 2015
Epistemic network analysis
CL Marquart, C Hinojosa, Z Swiecki, DW Shaffer
Published online http://app. epistemicnetwork. org, 2018
Exploring the effects of segmentation on semi-structured interview data with epistemic network analysis
S Zörgő, Z Swiecki, AR Ruis
International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography, 78-90, 2021
METS: multimodal learning analytics of embodied teamwork learning
L Zhao, Z Swiecki, D Gasevic, L Yan, S Dix, H Jaggard, R Wotherspoon, ...
LAK23: 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 186-196, 2023
Understanding when students are active‐in‐thinking through modeling‐in‐context
Z Swiecki, AR Ruis, D Gautam, V Rus, D Williamson Shaffer
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (5), 2346-2364, 2019
Epistemic Network Analysis (Version 1.7. 0)[Software](2018)
CL Marquart, C Hinojosa, Z Swiecki, B Eagan, DW Shaffer
Available from app. epistemicnetwork. org, 0
rENA: epistemic network analysis
CL Marquart, Z Swiecki, W Collier, B Eagan, R Woodward, DW Shaffer
R package version 0.1 6, 2019
Human-Centred Learning Analytics and AI in Education: a Systematic Literature Review
R Alfredo, V Echeverria, Y Jin, L Yan, Z Swiecki, D Gašević, ...
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100215, 2024
Measuring the impact of interdependence on individuals during collaborative problem-solving
Z Swiecki
Journal of Learning Analytics 8 (1), 75-94, 2021
Does order matter? Investigating sequential and cotemporal models of collaboration
Z Swiecki, AR Ruis, DW Shaffer
13th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20