Gillian Harvey
Gillian Harvey
Professor and Matthew Flinders Fellow, Flinders University
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Cited by
Realist review-a new method of systematic review designed for complex policy interventions
R Pawson, T Greenhalgh, G Harvey, K Walshe
Journal of health services research & policy 10 (1_suppl), 21-34, 2005
Enabling the implementation of evidence based practice: a conceptual framework.
A Kitson, G Harvey, B McCormack
BMJ Quality & Safety 7 (3), 149-158, 1998
What counts as evidence in evidence‐based practice?
J Rycroft‐Malone, K Seers, A Titchen, G Harvey, A Kitson, B McCormack
Journal of advanced nursing 47 (1), 81-90, 2004
Evaluating the successful implementation of evidence into practice using the PARiHS framework: theoretical and practical challenges
AL Kitson, J Rycroft-Malone, G Harvey, B McCormack, K Seers, A Titchen
Implementation science 3, 1-12, 2008
PARIHS revisited: from heuristic to integrated framework for the successful implementation of knowledge into practice
G Harvey, A Kitson
Implementation science 11, 1-13, 2015
Getting evidence into practice: the meaning ofcontext'
B McCormack, A Kitson, G Harvey, J Rycroft‐Malone, A Titchen, K Seers
Journal of advanced nursing 38 (1), 94-104, 2002
Ingredients for change: revisiting a conceptual framework
J Rycroft-Malone, A Kitson, G Harvey, B McCormack, K Seers, A Titchen, ...
BMJ Quality & Safety 11 (2), 174-180, 2002
Realist synthesis-an introduction
R Pawson, T Greenhalgh, G Harvey, K Walshe
ESRC res methods program 2, 55, 2004
Getting evidence into practice: the role and function of facilitation
G Harvey, A Loftus‐Hills, J Rycroft‐Malone, A Titchen, A Kitson, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 37 (6), 577-588, 2002
An exploration of the factors that influence the implementation of evidence into practice
J Rycroft‐Malone, G Harvey, K Seers, A Kitson, B McCormack, A Titchen
Journal of clinical nursing 13 (8), 913-924, 2004
Implementing evidence-based practice in healthcare
G Harvey, A Kitson, G Harvey
Taylor & Francis, 2015
From research to practice: One organizational model for promoting research‐based practice
A Kitson, LB Ahmed, G Harvey, K Seers, DR Thompson
Journal of Advanced Nursing 23 (3), 430-440, 1996
Quality improvement: theory and practice in healthcare
R Boaden, G Harvey, C Moxham, N Proudlove
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2008
Relationship between quality of care, staffing levels, skill mix and nurse autonomy: literature review
V Currie, G Harvey, E West, H McKenna, S Keeney
Journal of advanced nursing 51 (1), 73-82, 2005
Getting evidence into practice: ingredients for change
J Rycroft-Malone, H Gill, A Kitson
Nursing Standard (through 2013) 16 (37), 38, 2002
Absorptive capacity in a non-market environment: A knowledge-based approach to analysing the performance of sector organizations
G Harvey, C Skelcher, E Spencer, P Jas, K Walshe
Public Management Review 12 (1), 77-97, 2010
Towards practice development—a vision in reality or a reality without vision?
Mccormack, Manley, Kitson, Titchen, Harvey
Journal of Nursing Management 7 (5), 255-264, 1999
“There is nothing so practical as a good theory”: a pragmatic guide for selecting theoretical approaches for implementation projects
HG Lynch E, Mudge A, Knowles S, Kitson A, Hunter S
BMC Health Services Research 18, 857, 2018
Methods to succeed in effective knowledge translation in clinical practice
AL Kitson, G Harvey
Journal of nursing scholarship 48 (3), 294-302, 2016
Using complexity and network concepts to inform healthcare knowledge translation
A Kitson, A Brook, G Harvey, Z Jordan, R Marshall, R O’Shea, D Wilson
International journal of health policy and management 7 (3), 231, 2017
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