Simona John von Freyend
Simona John von Freyend
Senior Research Fellow, Monash University
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Cited by
Profiling of lipids in Leishmania donovani using hydrophilic interaction chromatography in combination with Fourier transform mass spectrometry
L Zheng, R T'Kind, S Decuypere, SJ von Freyend, GH Coombs, ...
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24 (14), 2074-2082, 2010
LmxMPK4, an essential mitogen-activated protein kinase of Leishmania mexicana is phosphorylated and activated by the STE7-like protein kinase LmxMKK5
SJ von Freyend, H Rosenqvist, A Fink, IM Melzer, J Clos, ON Jensen, ...
International journal for parasitology 40 (8), 969-978, 2010
The ins and outs of phosphosignalling in Plasmodium: Parasite regulation and host cell manipulation
TG Carvalho, B Morahan, SJ von Freyend, P Boeuf, G Grau, ...
Molecular and biochemical parasitology 208 (1), 2-15, 2016
Subverting Host Cell P21-Activated Kinase: A Case of Convergent Evolution across Pathogens
S John Von Freyend, T Kwok-Schuelein, HJ Netter, G Haqshenas, ...
Pathogens 6 (2), 17, 2017
Assigning a function to a conserved archaeal metallo-β-lactamase from Haloferax volcanii
S Fischer, SJ von Freyend, A Sabag-Daigle, CJ Daniels, T Allers, ...
Extremophiles 16 (2), 333-343, 2012
Analysis of LmxMPK4 and LmxMPK6, two mitogen-activated protein kinases of Leishmania mexicana
S John Freyend
Untersuchung des Proteins HvoNZ aus dem halophilen Archaeon Haloferax volcanii
SJ von Freyend
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Articles 1–7