Peter Crockford
Peter Crockford
Assistant Professor, Carleton University; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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Precise age of Bangiomorpha pubescens dates the origin of eukaryotic photosynthesis
TM Gibson, PM Shih, VM Cumming, WW Fischer, PW Crockford, ...
Geology 46 (2), 135-138, 2018
Triple oxygen isotope evidence for limited mid-Proterozoic primary productivity
PW Crockford, JA Hayles, H Bao, NJ Planavsky, A Bekker, PW Fralick, ...
Nature 559 (7715), 613-616, 2018
Claypool continued: Extending the isotopic record of sedimentary sulfate
PW Crockford, M Kunzmann, A Bekker, J Hayles, H Bao, GP Halverson, ...
Chemical Geology 513, 200-225, 2019
A productivity collapse to end Earth’s Great Oxidation
MSW Hodgskiss, PW Crockford, Y Peng, BA Wing, TJ Horner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (35), 17207-17212, 2019
Basin redox and primary productivity within the Mesoproterozoic Roper Seaway
GM Cox, A Jarrett, D Edwards, PW Crockford, GP Halverson, AS Collins, ...
Chemical Geology 440, 101-114, 2016
Pelagic barite precipitation at micromolar ambient sulfate
TJ Horner, HV Pryer, SG Nielsen, PW Crockford, JM Gauglitz, BA Wing, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 1342, 2017
Large sulfur isotope fractionation by bacterial sulfide oxidation
A Pellerin, G Antler, SA Holm, AJ Findlay, PW Crockford, AV Turchyn, ...
Science Advances 5 (7), eaaw1480, 2019
Barium-isotopic constraints on the origin of post-Marinoan barites
PW Crockford, BA Wing, A Paytan, MSW Hodgskiss, KK Mayfield, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 519, 234-244, 2019
Bridging the gap between the foreland and hinterland II: Geochronology and tectonic setting of Ordovician magmatism and basin formation on the Laurentian margin of New England …
FA Macdonald, PM Karabinos, JL Crowley, EB Hodgin, PW Crockford, ...
American Journal of Science, 2017
A case for low atmospheric oxygen levels during Earth's middle history
NJ Planavsky, DB Cole, TT Isson, CT Reinhard, PW Crockford, ...
Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 2 (2), 149-159, 2018
Triple oxygen and multiple sulfur isotope constraints on the evolution of the post-Marinoan sulfur cycle
PW Crockford, BR Cowie, DT Johnston, PF Hoffman, I Sugiyama, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 435, 74-83, 2016
Bacterial sulfur disproportionation constrains timing of Neoproterozoic oxygenation
M Kunzmann, TH Bui, PW Crockford, GP Halverson, C Scott, TW Lyons, ...
Geology 45 (3), 207-210, 2017
Snowballs in Africa: sectioning a long-lived Neoproterozoic carbonate platform and its bathyal foreslope (NW Namibia)
PF Hoffman, GP Halverson, DP Schrag, JA Higgins, EW Domack, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 219, 103616, 2021
Transient marine euxinia at the end of the terminal Cryogenian glaciation
X Lang, B Shen, Y Peng, S Xiao, C Zhou, H Bao, AJ Kaufman, K Huang, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 3019, 2018
Linking paleocontinents through triple oxygen isotope anomalies
PW Crockford, MSW Hodgskiss, GJ Uhlein, F Caxito, JA Hayles, ...
Geology 46 (2), 179-182, 2018
The composition and weathering of the continents over geologic time
AG Lipp, O Shorttle, E Sperling, JJ Brocks, D Cole, PW Crockford, ...
EarthArXiv, 2020
Mercury in some arc crustal rocks and mantle peridotites and relevance to the moderately volatile element budget of the Earth
D Canil, PW Crockford, R Rossin, K Telmer
Chemical Geology 396, 134-142, 2015
Reconstructing Neoproterozoic seawater chemistry from early diagenetic dolomite
PW Crockford, M Kunzmann, CL Blättler, B Kalderon-Asael, JG Murphy, ...
Geology 49 (4), 442-446, 2021
Triple sulfur isotope relationships during sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane
S Gong, Y Peng, H Bao, D Feng, X Cao, PW Crockford, D Chen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 504, 13-20, 2018
The sedimentary geochemistry and paleoenvironments project
ÚC Farrell, R Samawi, S Anjanappa, R Klykov, OO Adeboye, H Agic, ...
Geobiology 19 (6), 545-556, 2021
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Articles 1–20