Michael Morrison
Cited by
Cited by
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use
Science 365 (6456), 897-902, 2019
Old boundaries and new horizons: the Weipa shell mounds reconsidered
M Morrison
Archaeology in Oceania 38 (1), 1-8, 2003
Pursuing social justice through collaborative archaeologies in Aboriginal Australia
C Smith, H Burke, J Ralph, K Pollard, A Gorman, C Wilson, S Hemming, ...
Archaeologies 15, 536-569, 2019
Mission-Based Indigenous Production at the Weipa Presbyterian Mission, Western Cape York Peninsula (1932–66)
M Morrison, D McNaughton, J Shiner
International Journal of Historical Archaeology 14, 86-111, 2010
Niche production strategies and shell matrix site variability at A lbatross B ay, C ape Y ork P eninsula
M Morrison
Archaeology in Oceania 48 (2), 78-91, 2013
The archaeology of culturally modified trees: Indigenous economic diversification within colonial intercultural settings in Cape York Peninsula, northeastern Australia
M Morrison, E Shepard
Journal of Field Archaeology 38 (2), 143-160, 2013
The space of conflict: Aboriginal/European interactions and frontier violence on the western Central Murray, South Australia, 1830–41
H Burke, A Roberts, M Morrison, RMMAC Sullivan, Vanessa
Aboriginal History Journal 40, 145-179, 2016
The shell mounds of Albatross Bay: an archaeological investigation of Late Holocene production strategies near Weipa, north eastern Australia
MJ Morrison
Flinders University, Department of Archaeology., 2010
“Their God is their belly”: Moravian missionaries at the Weipa M ission (1898–1932), Cape York Peninsula
M Morrison, D McNaughton, C Keating
Archaeology in Oceania 50 (2), 85-104, 2015
The contribution of heritage surveys towards understanding the cultural landscape of the Weipa bauxite plateau
J Shiner, M Morrison
Australian Archaeology 68 (1), 52-55, 2009
‘My Country is like my Mother…’: respect, care, interaction and closeness as principles for undertaking cultural heritage assessments
D McNaughton, M Morrison, C Schill
International Journal of Heritage Studies 22 (6), 415-433, 2016
From scatter to mound: A new developmental model for shell mound sites at Weipa
M Morrison
Queensland Archaeological Research 16, 165-184, 2013
War capitalism and the expropriation of country: spatial analysis of indigenous and settler-colonial entanglements in North Eastern Australia, 1864–1939
M Morrison, A Della-Sale, D McNaughton
International Journal of Historical Archaeology 23, 204-234, 2019
Chronological trends in late Holocene shell mound construction across northern Australia: insights from Albatross Bay, Cape York Peninsula
M Morrison
Australian Archaeology 79 (1), 1-13, 2014
Initial results and observations on a radiocarbon dating program in the Riverland region of South Australia
C Westell, A Roberts, M Morrison, G Jacobsen, ...
Australian Archaeology 86 (2), 160-175, 2020
‘They call’im Crowie’: an investigation of the Aboriginal significance attributed to a wrecked River Murray barge in South Australia
A Roberts, W Duivenvoorde, M Morrison, I Moffat, H Burke, J Kowlessar, ...
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 46 (1), 132-148, 2017
New approaches to the archaeological investigation of culturally modified trees: A case study from western Cape York Peninsula
M Morrison, E Shepard, D McNaughton, K Allen
Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia, 2012
A geophysical analysis of Aboriginal earth mounds in the Murray River Valley, South Australia
D Ross, M Morrison, K Simyrdanis, A Roberts, I Moffat, ...
Archaeological Prospection, 2019
the River Murray and Mallee Aboriginal Corporation 2020 Initial results and observations on a radiocarbon dating program in the Riverland region of South Australia
C Westell, A Roberts, M Morrison, G Jacobsen
Australian Archaeology 86 (2), 160-175, 0
Late Holocene Aboriginal shellfish production strategies in northern Australia: insights from Prunung (Red Beach), Weipa, Cape York Peninsula
M Morrison
Queensland Archaeological Research 18, 1-27, 2015
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Articles 1–20