Iraj Mahdavi
Iraj Mahdavi
Distinguished Professor of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology
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An artificial immune algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem
A Bagheri, M Zandieh, I Mahdavi, M Yazdani
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (4), 533-541, 2010
Anomaly network-based intrusion detection system using a reliable hybrid artificial bee colony and AdaBoost algorithms
M Mazini, B Shirazi, I Mahdavi
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 31 (4 …, 2019
Designing a model of fuzzy TOPSIS in multiple criteria decision making
I Mahdavi, N Mahdavi-Amiri, A Heidarzade, R Nourifar
Applied mathematics and Computation 206 (2), 607-617, 2008
A robust green location-allocation-inventory problem to design an urban waste management system under uncertainty
EB Tirkolaee, I Mahdavi, MMS Esfahani, GW Weber
Waste Management 102, 340-350, 2020
Designing a mathematical model for dynamic cellular manufacturing systems considering production planning and worker assignment
I Mahdavi, A Aalaei, MM Paydar, M Solimanpur
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 60 (4), 1014-1025, 2010
Genetic algorithm approach for solving a cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing
I Mahdavi, MM Paydar, M Solimanpur, A Heidarzade
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3), 6598-6604, 2009
A robust periodic capacitated arc routing problem for urban waste collection considering drivers and crew’s working time
EB Tirkolaee, I Mahdavi, MMS Esfahani
Waste Management 76, 138-146, 2018
A new linear programming approach and genetic algorithm for solving airline boarding problem
M Soolaki, I Mahdavi, N Mahdavi-Amiri, R Hassanzadeh, A Aghajani
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (9), 4060-4072, 2012
CLASS: An algorithm for cellular manufacturing system and layout design using sequence data
I Mahdavi, B Mahadevan
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 24 (3), 488-497, 2008
A hybrid augmented ant colony optimization for the multi-trip capacitated arc routing problem under fuzzy demands for urban solid waste management
E Babaee Tirkolaee, I Mahdavi, MM Seyyed Esfahani, GW Weber
Waste management & research 38 (2), 156-172, 2020
Designing a new mathematical model for cellular manufacturing system based on cell utilization
I Mahdavi, B Javadi, K Fallah-Alipour, J Slomp
Applied mathematics and Computation 190 (1), 662-670, 2007
Development of a simulation-based decision support system for controlling stochastic flexible job shop manufacturing systems
I Mahdavi, B Shirazi, M Solimanpur
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 18 (6), 768-786, 2010
A multi-objective decision-making process of supplier selection and order allocation for multi-period scheduling in an electronic market
H Fazlollahtabar, I Mahdavi, MT Ashoori, S Kaviani, N Mahdavi-Amiri
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 52, 1039-1052, 2011
A dynamic programming approach for finding shortest chains in a fuzzy network
I Mahdavi, R Nourifar, A Heidarzade, NM Amiri
Applied soft computing 9 (2), 503-511, 2009
Comprehensive fuzzy multi-objective multi-product multi-site aggregate production planning decisions in a supply chain under uncertainty
N Gholamian, I Mahdavi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, N Mahdavi-Amiri
Applied soft computing 37, 585-607, 2015
A genetic algorithm for solving fuzzy shortest path problems with mixed fuzzy arc lengths
R Hassanzadeh, I Mahdavi, N Mahdavi-Amiri, A Tajdin
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (1-2), 84-99, 2013
Supplier selection using a clustering method based on a new distance for interval type-2 fuzzy sets: A case study
A Heidarzade, I Mahdavi, N Mahdavi-Amiri
Applied Soft Computing 38, 213-231, 2016
Using the Taguchi method to optimize the differential evolution algorithm parameters for minimizing the workload smoothness index in simple assembly line balancing
A Mozdgir, I Mahdavi, IS Badeleh, M Solimanpur
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (1-2), 137-151, 2013
Multi-objective multi-product multi-site aggregate production planning in a supply chain under uncertainty: fuzzy multi-objective optimisation
N Gholamian, I Mahdavi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 29 (2), 149-165, 2016
A fuzzy programming approach for dynamic virtual hub location problem
F Taghipourian, I Mahdavi, N Mahdavi-Amiri, A Makui
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (7), 3257-3270, 2012
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Articles 1–20