Michael J Brooks
Michael J Brooks
Emeritus Professor, University of Adelaide
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Shape from shading
BKP Horn, MJ Brooks
MIT Press, 1989
Shape from shading
BKP Horn, MJ Brooks
MIT Press, 1989
The variational approach to shape from shading
BKP Horn, MJ Brooks
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 33 (2), 174-208, 1986
Shape and source from shading
MJ Brooks, BKP Horn
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 932-936, 1985
On the fitting of surfaces to data with covariances
W Chojnacki, MJ Brooks, A Van Den Hengel, D Gawley
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 22 (11), 1294 …, 2000
Fast global kernel density mode seeking: Applications to localization and tracking
C Shen, MJ Brooks, A Van Den Hengel
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16 (5), 1457-1469, 2007
Issues in automated visual surveillance
AR Dick, MJ Brooks
International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2003
Revisiting Hartley's normalized eight-point algorithm
W Chojnacki, MJ Brooks, A van den Hengel, D Gawley
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 25 (9), 1172-1177, 2003
Determining the egomotion of an uncalibrated camera from instantaneous optical flow
MJ Brooks, W Chojnacki, L Baumela
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 14 (10), 2670-2677, 1997
Rationalising the renormalisation method of Kanatani
W Chojnacki, MJ Brooks, AVD Hengel
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 14, 21-38, 2001
A Stochastic Approach to Tracking Objects Across Multiple Cameras
AR Dick, MJ Brooks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3339, 160-170, 2004
What value covariance information in estimating vision parameters?
MJ Brooks, W Chojnacki, D Gawley, A Van Den Hengel
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV …, 2001
Rationalizing edge detectors
MJ Brooks
Computer Graphics and Image Processing 8 (2), 277-285, 1978
Recovering unknown focal lengths in self-calibration: An essentially linear algorithm and degenerate configurations
GN Newsam, DQ Huynh, MJ Brooks, HP Pan
Proc. ISPRS-Congress 31, 575-580, 1996
Impossible and ambiguous shading patterns
MJ Brooks, W Chojnacki, R Kozera
International Journal of Computer Vision 7, 119-126, 1992
Direct methods for self-calibration of a moving stereo head
MJ Brooks, L Agapito, DQ Huynh, L Baumela
European Conference on Computer Vision, 413-426, 1996
A new constrained parameter estimator for computer vision applications
W Chojnacki, MJ Brooks, A Van Den Hengel, D Gawley
Image and Vision Computing 22 (2), 85-91, 2004
Two results concerning ambiguity in shape from shading
MJ Brooks
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36-39, 1983
From FNS to HEIV: A link between two vision parameter estimation methods
W Chojnacki, MJ Brooks, A van den Hengel, D Gawley
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 26 (2), 264-268, 2004
Detecting suspicious background changes in video surveillance of busy scenes
D Gibbins, GN Newsam, MJ Brooks
Proceedings Third IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision. WACV'96 …, 1996
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Articles 1–20