Shanker Dhakal
Shanker Dhakal
GHEaSES International
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Experimental, numerical and analytical modelling of a newly developed rockfall protective cable-net structure
S Dhakal, NP Bhandary, R Yatabe, N Kinoshita
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (12), 3197-3212, 2011
Numerical and analytical investigation towards performance enhancement of a newly developed rockfall protective cable-net structure
S Dhakal, NP Bhandary, R Yatabe, N Kinoshita
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (4), 1135-1149, 2012
Geospatial mapping of COVID-19 cases, risk and agriculture hotspots in decision-making of lockdown relaxation in Nepal
B Maharjan, A Maharjan, S Dhakal, M Gadtaula, SB Shrestha, R Adhikari
Applied Science and Technology Annals 1 (1), 1-8, 2020
Hazard Rating and Event Tree Analysis for Assessing Rockfall Risks along Siddhartha Highway in Siddhababa Area, Nepal
P Kharel, S Dhakal
International Journal of Landslide and Environment 1 (1), 41-42, 2013
Numerical investigation of the effects of idealized rock-block shapes and impact points on the performance of Long-span Pocket-type Rock-net
S Dhakal, NP Bhandary, R Yatabe, N Kinoshita
Annual Conference of Japanese Geotechnical Society, 2011
Seismic demand behaviour of low-rise reinforced concrete buildings built on slopes of Kathmandu Valley
P Kharel, S Dhakal, S Poudyal
International Symposium Geohazards: Science, Engineering and Management, 341-347, 2014
Finite element modelling and parametric analyses of a long-span pocket-type rockfall interceptive cable-net structure
S Dhakal, NP Bhandary, R Yatabe, N Kinoshita
Landslide Science and Practice: Volume 6: Risk Assessment, Management and …, 2013
Finite element modeling and decoupled seismic stability analysis of a zoned rockfill dam designed by traditional empirical methods
S Dhakal, NP Bhandary, R Yatabe, PL Pradhan, RC Tiwari
Journal of the Institute of Engineering 8 (1-2), 71-92, 2011
Mobile Swab Collection Vehicle; a Blend of Necessity, Innovation, and Technology in a Resource-poor Country
AK Neopane, SKD Shrestha, SR Dangol, B Shrestha, A Dutta, G Adhikari, ...
Nepal Health Research Council, 2020
Constitutive modeling of friction damper for numerical simulation of Long-span Pocket-type Rock-net
S Dhakal, NP Bhandary, R Yatabe, N Kinoshita
Annual Conference of Japan Society of Civil Engineers JSCE, 1185-1186, 2011
Seismic Analysis of Typical RC MRF Buildings in Nepal Integrated with Rubber Soil Mix (RSM) Seismic Isolation System
SD Rajan Aryal
ETC International Pvt Ltd, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2020
Interdisciplinary Structural Engineering for Resilience and Sustainability-Based Prosperity (ReSPro)
SA Shanker Dhakal, Rajan Aryal, Lalit Bhatt, Nirmala Suwal, Ful Bdr Tamang
NEA National Convention, Smart Infrastructures for Prosperity, 6, 2020
High-rise Buildings: From Architecture to Structural Engineering
S Dhakal, S Acharya
GHEaSES International Pvt. Ltd., 2020
Earthquake Resistant Structural Analysis and Design of Timber-Stud-Reinforced Dressed Stone Masonry Vernacular School Buildings at Bihi Village in Rural Gorkha District, Nepal
S Dhakal, L Bhatt, FBC Bal
GHEaSES International Pvt. Ltd. or iPEnMaC Pvt. Ltd. or Department of …, 2016
Earthquake Resistant Structural Analysis and Design of a Commercial Steel Building at Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
S Dhakal, L Bhatt
GHEaSES International Pvt. Ltd. or Apex Consultants Pvt. Ltd., 2016
Design Catalogue and Seismic Analyses of RSM-RIB Technology Houses for Post-earthquake Rural Reconstruction of Nepal
S Dhakal, L Bhatt, N Suwal
GHEaSES International Pvt. Ltd. or Government of Nepal, Department of Urban …, 2016
Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Rockfall Protection Mapping and Structural Design for Siddhababa Site along Siddhartha Highway, Nepal
S Dhakal, A Koirala, FB Bal, N Suwal
Western Regional Directorate, Department of Roads, The Government of Nepal, 2016
Wind and Earthquake Safety Evaluation of Chinese Gatehouse Structure for a Local School in Melbourne
S Dhakal
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Design, History of …, 2015
Earthquake Resistant Structural Analysis and Design of RC Residential Hotel Building at Gongabu, Kathmandu, Nepal
S Dhakal, N Suwal, FB Bal
GHEaSES International Pvt. Ltd. or iPEnMaC Pvt. Ltd., 2015
Seismic rotational demand behaviour of coupling beams in coupled shear walls sitting on flexible transfer-floor podium structure of concrete high-rise buildings
S Dhakal
The University of Melbourne, School of Engineering, Infrastructure …, 2014
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Articles 1–20