Brad Degens
Brad Degens
Senior Soil and Water Scientist, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
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Decreases in organic C reserves in soils can reduce the catabolic diversity of soil microbial communities
BP Degens, LA Schipper, GP Sparling, M Vojvodic-Vukovic
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32 (2), 189-196, 2000
Development of a physiological approach to measuring the catabolic diversity of soil microbial communities
BP Degens, JA Harris
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29 (9-10), 1309-1320, 1997
Is the microbial community in a soil with reduced catabolic diversity less resistant to stress or disturbance?
BP Degens, LA Schipper, GP Sparling, LC Duncan
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33 (9), 1143-1153, 2001
Macro-aggregation of soils by biological bonding and binding mechanisms and the factors affecting these: a review
BP Degens
Soil Research 35 (3), 431-460, 1997
Increasing the length of hyphae in a sandy soil increases the amount of water-stable aggregates
BP Degens, GP Sparling, LK Abbott
Applied soil ecology 3 (2), 149-159, 1996
Decreases in microbial functional diversity do not result in corresponding changes in decomposition under different moisture conditions
BP Degens
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30 (14), 1989-2000, 1998
Changes in microbial heterotrophic diversity along five plant successional sequences
LA Schipper, BP Degens, GP Sparling, LC Duncan
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33 (15), 2093-2103, 2001
Microbial functional diversity can be influenced by the addition of simple organic substrates to soil
BP Degens
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30 (14), 1981-1988, 1998
Repeated wet-dry cycles do not accelerate the mineralization of organic C involved in the macro-aggregation of a sandy loam soil
BP Degens, GP Sparling
Plant and Soil 175 (2), 197-203, 1995
The contribution from hyphae, roots and organic carbon constituents to the aggregation of a sandy loam under long‐term clover‐based and grass pastures
BP Degens, GP Sparling, LK Abbott
European Journal of Soil Science 45 (4), 459-468, 1994
Changes in aggregation do not correspond with changes in labile organic C fractions in soil amended with 14C-glucose
B Degens, G Sparling
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28 (4-5), 453-462, 1996
Irrigation of an allophanic soil with dairy factory effluent for 22 years: responses of nutrient storage and soil biota
BP Degens, LA Schipper, JJ Claydon, JM Russell, GW Yeates
Soil Research 38 (1), 25-36, 2000
Pasture and forest soil microbial communities show distinct patterns in their catabolic respiration responses at a landscape scale
BA Stevenson, GP Sparling, LA Schipper, BP Degens, LC Duncan
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (1), 49-55, 2004
Catabolic response profiles differ between microorganisms grown in soils
BP Degens
Soil Biology and Biochemistry (United Kingdom), 1999
A sampling strategy to assess the effects of land use on microbial functional diversity in soils
BP Degens, M Vojvodi
Soil Research 37 (4), 593-602, 1999
Resistance to cropping pressure of two New Zealand soils with contrasting mineralogy
GP Sparling, LA Schipper, AE Hewitt, BP Degens
Soil Research 38 (1), 85-100, 2000
Salt-tolerant microorganisms potentially useful for bioleaching operations where fresh water is scarce
SM Rea, NJ McSweeney, BP Degens, C Morris, HM Siebert, ...
Minerals Engineering 75, 126-132, 2015
Relationship between metals leached and soil type from potential acid sulphate soils under acidic and neutral conditions in Western Australia
FS Miller, KL Kilminster, B Degens, GW Firns
Water, air, and soil pollution 205 (1), 133-147, 2010
Inland Acid Sulfate Soil Systems Across Australia: Covering: distribution, properties, significance and biogeochemical processes of inland Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) across …
RW Fitzpatrick, P Shand
Perth, Australia, CRC LEME, 2008
Mineralogy, biogeochemistry, hydro-pedology and risks of sediments, salt efflorescences and soils in open drains in the wheatbelt of Western Australia
RW Fitzpatrick, AKM Baker, M Raven, S Rogers, B Degens, R George, ...
Regolith, 97-101, 2005
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Articles 1–20