Hazel Parry
Hazel Parry
Ecological Modeller, CSIRO
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Cited by
Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition
DS Karp, R Chaplin-Kramer, TD Meehan, EA Martin, F DeClerck, H Grab, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (33), E7863-E7870, 2018
Assessing the impact of Entry Level Stewardship on lowland farmland birds in England
CM Davey, JA Vickery, ND Boatman, DE Chamberlain, HR Parry, ...
Ibis 152 (3), 459-474, 2010
Monarchs in decline: a collateral landscape‐level effect of modern agriculture
C Stenoien, KR Nail, JM Zalucki, H Parry, KS Oberhauser, MP Zalucki
Insect Science 25 (4), 528-541, 2018
A perspective on management of Helicoverpa armigera: transgenic Bt cotton, IPM, and landscapes
S Downes, D Kriticos, H Parry, C Paull, N Schellhorn, MP Zalucki
Pest management science 73 (3), 485-492, 2017
Movement Ecology of Pest Helicoverpa: Implications for Ongoing Spread
CM Jones, H Parry, WT Tay, DR Reynolds, JW Chapman
Annual review of entomology 64 (1), 277-295, 2019
Large scale agent-based modelling: A review and guidelines for model scaling
HR Parry, M Bithell
Agent-based models of geographical systems, 271-308, 2011
Cereal aphid movement: general principles and simulation modelling
HR Parry
Movement Ecology 1, 1-15, 2013
Connecting scales: Achieving in‐field pest control from areawide and landscape ecology studies
NA Schellhorn, HR Parry, S Macfadyen, Y Wang, MP Zalucki
Insect Science 22 (1), 35-51, 2015
Movement and egg laying in monarchs: to move or not to move, that is the equation
MP Zalucki, HR Parry, JM Zalucki
Austral Ecology 41 (2), 154-167, 2016
Impacts of agricultural change on farmland biodiversity in the UK
ND Boatman, HR Parry, JD Bishop, AGS Cuthbertson
Issues in Environmental Science and Technology. No. 25. Biodiversity under …, 2007
Aphid population response to agricultural landscape change: a spatially explicit, individual-based model
HR Parry, AJ Evans, D Morgan
Ecological Modelling 199 (4), 451-463, 2006
Predicting monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) movement and egg-laying with a spatially-explicit agent-based model: the role of monarch perceptual range and spatial memory
TJ Grant, HR Parry, MP Zalucki, SP Bradbury
Ecological Modelling 374, 37-50, 2018
Early-season movement dynamics of phytophagous pest and natural enemies across a native vegetation-crop ecotone
S Macfadyen, J Hopkinson, H Parry, MJ Neave, F Bianchi, MP Zalucki, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 200, 110-118, 2015
A Bayesian sensitivity analysis applied to an Agent-based model of bird population response to landscape change
HR Parry, CJ Topping, MC Kennedy, ND Boatman, AWA Murray
Environmental Modelling & Software 45, 104-115, 2013
A comparative analysis of parallel processing and super-individual methods for improving the computational performance of a large individual-based model
HR Parry, AJ Evans
Ecological Modelling 214 (2-4), 141-152, 2008
Plant composition modulates arthropod pest and predator abundance: evidence for culling exotics and planting natives
HR Parry, S Macfadyen, JE Hopkinson, FJJA Bianchi, MP Zalucki, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 16 (6), 531-543, 2015
The geographical distribution of Yellow dwarf viruses and their aphid vectors in Australian grasslands and wheat
HR Parry, S Macfadyen, DJ Kriticos
Australasian Plant Pathology 41, 375-387, 2012
Regional variation in the efficacy of Entry Level Stewardship in England
C Davey, J Vickery, N Boatman, D Chamberlain, H Parry, G Siriwardena
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139 (1-2), 121-128, 2010
Environmental drivers of spatiotemporal foraging intensity in fruit bats and implications for Hendra virus ecology
JR Giles, P Eby, H Parry, AJ Peel, RK Plowright, DA Westcott, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 9555, 2018
Optimal Lévy-flight foraging in a finite landscape
K Zhao, R Jurdak, J Liu, D Westcott, B Kusy, H Parry, P Sommer, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (104), 20141158, 2015
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Articles 1–20