Gabriel C Rau
Gabriel C Rau
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Heat as a tracer to quantify water flow in near-surface sediments
GC Rau, MS Andersen, AM McCallum, H Roshan, RI Acworth
Earth-Science Reviews 129, 40-58, 2014
Experimental investigation of the thermal dispersivity term and its significance in the heat transport equation for flow in sediments
GC Rau, MS Andersen, RI Acworth
Water Resources Research 48 (3), W03511, 2012
Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water–groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records
GC Rau, MS Andersen, AM McCallum, RI Acworth
Hydrogeology Journal 18 (5), 1093-1110, 2010
A 1‐D analytical method for estimating surface water–groundwater interactions and effective thermal diffusivity using temperature time series
AM McCallum, MS Andersen, GC Rau, RI Acworth
Water Resources Research 48 (11), 2012
Investigating the spatio-temporal variability in groundwater and surface water interactions: a multi-technique approach
NP Unland, I Cartwright, MS Andersen, GC Rau, J Reed, BS Gilfedder, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (9), 3437-3453, 2013
Understanding and quantifying focused, indirect groundwater recharge from ephemeral streams using water table fluctuations
MO Cuthbert, RI Acworth, MS Andersen, JR Larsen, AM McCallum, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (2), 827-840, 2016
Utilizing the impact of Earth and atmospheric tides on groundwater systems: A review reveals the future potential
TC McMillan, GC Rau, WA Timms, MS Andersen
Reviews of Geophysics, 2019
Dripwater organic matter and trace element geochemistry in a semi-arid karst environment: Implications for speleothem paleoclimatology
H Rutlidge, A Baker, CE Marjo, MS Andersen, PW Graham, MO Cuthbert, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 135, 217-230, 2014
Global climate-driven trade-offs between the water retention and cooling benefits of urban greening
MO Cuthbert, GC Rau, M Ekström, DM O’Carroll, AJ Bates
Nature communications 13 (1), 518, 2022
Error in hydraulic head and gradient time-series measurements: a quantitative appraisal
GC Rau, VEA Post, MA Shanafield, T Krekeler, EW Banks, P Blum
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2019
Characterising the dynamics of surface water-groundwater interactions in intermittent and ephemeral streams using streambed thermal signatures
GC Rau, LJS Halloran, MO Cuthbert, MS Andersen, RI Acworth, ...
Advances in water resources 107, 354-369, 2017
River‐aquifer interactions in a semiarid environment investigated using point and reach measurements
AM McCallum, MS Andersen, GC Rau, JR Larsen, RI Acworth
Water Resources Research 50 (4), 2815-2829, 2014
Use of heat as tracer to quantify vertical streambed flow in a two‐dimensional flow field
H Roshan, GC Rau, MS Andersen, IR Acworth
Water Resources Research 48 (10), 2012
An objective frequency domain method for quantifying confined aquifer compressible storage using Earth and atmospheric tides
RI Acworth, LJS Halloran, GC Rau, MO Cuthbert, TL Bernardi
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (22), 11,671-11,678, 2016
Assessing the accuracy of 1‐D analytical heat tracing for estimating near‐surface sediment thermal diffusivity and water flux under transient conditions
GC Rau, MO Cuthbert, AM McCallum, LJS Halloran, MS Andersen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (8), 1551-1573, 2015
Heat as a tracer to quantify processes and properties in the vadose zone: A review
LJS Halloran, GC Rau, MS Andersen
Earth-Science Reviews 159, 358-373, 2016
Experimental investigation of the thermal time-series method for surface water-groundwater interactions
GC Rau, MS Andersen, RI Acworth
Water Resources Research 48 (3), W03530, 2012
Spatial variability of cave-air carbon dioxide and methane concentrations and isotopic compositions in a semi-arid karst environment
LK McDonough, CP Iverach, S Beckmann, M Manefield, GC Rau, A Baker, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-20, 2016
Semi-arid zone caves: Evaporation and hydrological controls on d18O drip water composition and implications for speleothem paleoclimate reconstructions
M Markowska, A Baker, MS Andersen, CN Jex, MO Cuthbert, GC Rau, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 131 (1), 285–301, 2016
Understanding connected surface-water/groundwater systems using Fourier analysis of daily and sub-daily head fluctuations
RI Acworth, GC Rau, AM McCallum, MS Andersen, MO Cuthbert
Hydrogeology Journal, 2014
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Articles 1–20