Jonathon Headrick
Jonathon Headrick
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The dynamics of expertise acquisition in sport: The role of affective learning design
J Headrick, I Renshaw, K Davids, RA Pinder, D Araújo
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 16, 83-90, 2015
Proximity-to-goal as a constraint on patterns of behaviour in attacker–defender dyads in team games
J Headrick, K Davids, I Renshaw, D Araújo, P Passos, O Fernandes
Journal of sports sciences 30 (3), 247-253, 2012
Taekwondo fighting in training does not simulate the affective and cognitive demands of competition: Implications for behavior and transfer
MA Maloney, I Renshaw, J Headrick, DT Martin, D Farrow
Frontiers in psychology 9, 25, 2018
Issues and challenges in developing representative tasks in sport
RA Pinder, J Headrick, RRD Oudejans
Routledge handbook of sport expertise, 269-281, 2015
Skill acquisition and representative task design
RA Pinder, I Renshaw, J Headrick, K Davids
Complex systems in sport, 319-333, 2013
Olympic and Paralympic coach perspectives on effective skill acquisition support and coach development
N Dehghansai, J Headrick, I Renshaw, RA Pinder, S Barris
Sport, Education and Society 25 (6), 667-680, 2020
Mechanism of anterior cruciate ligament loading during dynamic motor tasks
A Nasseri, DG Lloyd, AL Bryant, J Headrick, T Sayer, DJ Saxby
bioRxiv, 2020.03. 15.992370, 2020
Constraints-led learning in practice: Designing effective learning environments
I Renshaw, J Headrick, M Maloney, B Moy, R Pinder
Skill Acquisition in Sport, 163-182, 2019
A principled approach to equipment scaling for children’s sport: A case study in basketball
AD Gorman, J Headrick, I Renshaw, CJ McCormack, KM Topp
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 16 (1), 158-165, 2021
Shoulder pain and injury risk factors in competitive swimmers: A systematic review
A McKenzie, SA Larequi, A Hams, J Headrick, R Whiteley, S Duhig
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 33 (12), 2396-2412, 2023
Attunement to haptic information helps skilled performers select implements for striking a ball in cricket
J Headrick, I Renshaw, RA Pinder, K Davids
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74, 1782-1791, 2012
Affective learning design: A principled approach to emotion in learning
JJ Headrick
Queensland University of Technology, 2015
Affective learning design: Building emotions into representative learning design
I Renshaw, J Headrick, K Davids
International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications, Le Havre, France, 2014
Perceptions of fatigue and neuromuscular measures of performance fatigability during prolonged low‐intensity elbow flexions
M Marzouk, DJ McKeown, DN Borg, J Headrick, JJ Kavanagh
Experimental Physiology 108 (3), 465-479, 2023
Predicting noncontact lower limb injury using lumbar morphology in professional Australian football and rugby league players
M Hajek, MD Williams, MN Bourne, LA Roberts, NR Morris, AJ Shield, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2021
The Routledge Handbook of Sports Expertise
RA Pinder, J Headrick, RRD Oudejans
Supporting a healthy start to school: a case study of the Griffith University-Nerang Alliance initiative
KM Clanchy, R Sulek, E Baque, AM Caine, E Cardell, L Chambers, ...
The Australian Educational Researcher, 1-22, 2021
Collaborative testing in Sport and Exercise Degrees: A comparison of first and third year students' perceptions
J Headrick, B Harris-Reeves, T Daly-Olm
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 18 (6), 155-173, 2021
Using the principle of scaling to improve skill acquisition and the overall sporting experience in children’s sport
AD Gorman, I Renshaw, J Headrick, CJ McCormack
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Sport, 43-56, 2020
The availability of task-specific feedback does not affect 20 km time trial cycling performance or test-retest reliability in trained cyclists
DN Borg, JO Osborne, IB Stewart, JT Costello, J Headrick, BS McMaster, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (8), 758-763, 2020
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Articles 1–20