Shailesh Date
Shailesh Date
Chief Executive Officer, LRC Systems
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A probabilistic functional network of yeast genes
I Lee, SV Date, AT Adai, EM Marcotte
science 306 (5701), 1555-1558, 2004
Genome sequence of Haloarcula marismortui: a halophilic archaeon from the Dead Sea
NS Baliga, R Bonneau, MT Facciotti, M Pan, G Glusman, EW Deutsch, ...
Genome research 14 (11), 2221-2234, 2004
LGL: creating a map of protein function with an algorithm for visualizing very large biological networks
AT Adai, SV Date, S Wieland, EM Marcotte
Journal of molecular biology 340 (1), 179-190, 2004
Discovery of uncharacterized cellular systems by genome-wide analysis of functional linkages
SV Date, EM Marcotte
Nature biotechnology 21 (9), 1055-1062, 2003
Computational modeling of the Plasmodium falciparum interactome reveals protein function on a genome-wide scale
SV Date, CJ Stoeckert
Genome research 16 (4), 542-549, 2006
Glycan shifting on hepatitis C virus (HCV) E2 glycoprotein is a mechanism for escape from broadly neutralizing antibodies
H Pantua, J Diao, M Ultsch, M Hazen, M Mathieu, K McCutcheon, ...
Journal of molecular biology 425 (11), 1899-1914, 2013
Global Gene Expression of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 During Human and Mouse Infection
SV Date, Z Modrusan, M Lawrence, JH Morisaki, K Toy, IM Shah, J Kim, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 209 (10), 1542-1550, 2014
A centimeter-long bacterium with DNA contained in metabolically active, membrane-bound organelles
JM Volland, S Gonzalez-Rizzo, O Gros, T Tyml, N Ivanova, F Schulz, ...
Science 376 (6600), 1453-1458, 2022
Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) genome
MR Schleiss, A McGregor, KY Choi, SV Date, X Cui, MA McVoy
Virology journal 5, 1-11, 2008
Protein function prediction using the Protein Link EXplorer (PLEX)
SV Date, EM Marcotte
Bioinformatics 21 (10), 2558-2559, 2005
De Novo Guanine Biosynthesis but Not the Riboswitch-Regulated Purine Salvage Pathway Is Required for Staphylococcus aureus Infection In Vivo
EM Kofoed, D Yan, AK Katakam, M Reichelt, B Lin, J Kim, S Park, SV Date, ...
Journal of Bacteriology 198 (14), 2001-2015, 2016
Exploiting big biology: integrating large-scale biological data for function inference
EM Marcotte, SV Date
Briefings in bioinformatics 2 (4), 363-374, 2001
Identifying Potential Therapeutic Targets of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Through in Vivo Proteomic Analysis
BA Diep, Q Phung, S Date, D Arnott, C Bakalarski, M Xu, G Nakamura, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 209 (10), 1533-1541, 2014
The Rosetta stone method
SV Date
Bioinformatics: Structure, Function and Applications, 169-180, 2008
Estimating protein function using protein-protein relationships
SV Date
Gene function analysis, 109-127, 2007
A putative bacterial ABC transporter circumvents the essentiality of signal peptidase
JH Morisaki, PA Smith, SV Date, KK Kajihara, CL Truong, Z Modrusan, ...
MBio 7 (5), 10.1128/mbio. 00412-16, 2016
Synthase-selected sorting approach identifies a beta-lactone synthase in a nudibranch symbiotic bacterium
M Džunková, JJ La Clair, T Tyml, D Doud, F Schulz, S Piquer-Esteban, ...
Microbiome 11 (1), 130, 2023
Examining the relationship between the testate amoeba Hyalosphenia papilio (Arcellinida, Amoebozoa) and its associated intracellular microalgae using molecular and microscopic …
AKM Weiner, B Cullison, SV Date, T Tyml, JM Volland, T Woyke, LA Katz, ...
Protist 173 (1), 125853, 2022
A centimeter-long bacterium with DNA compartmentalized in membrane-bound organelles
JM Volland, S Gonzalez-Rizzo, O Gros, T Tyml, N Ivanova, F Schulz, ...
BioRxiv, 2022.02. 16.480423, 2022
Phylogenetic profiling
SV Date, JM Peregrín-Alvarez
Bioinformatics: Structure, Function and Applications, 201-216, 2008
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Articles 1–20