Linying Xiang
Linying Xiang
Tiangong University
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Reaching a consensus via pinning control
F Chen, Z Chen, L Xiang, Z Liu, Z Yuan
Automatica 45 (5), 1215-1220, 2009
Pinning control of complex dynamical networks with general topology
LY Xiang, ZX Liu, ZQ Chen, F Chen, ZZ Yuan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 379 (1), 298-306, 2007
Advances in network controllability
L Xiang, F Chen, W Ren, G Chen
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 19 (2), 8-32, 2019
Pinning control of complex dynamical networks with heterogeneous delays
L Xiang, Z Chen, Z Liu, F Chen, Z Yuan
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56 (5), 1423-1433, 2008
Finite-time output regulation of linear heterogeneous multi-agent systems
Y Wu, J Hu, L Xiang, Q Liang, K Shi
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (3), 1248-1252, 2021
Decentralized formation control of mobile agents: A unified framework
F Chen, Z Chen, Z Liu, L Xiang, Z Yuan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (19-20), 4917-4926, 2008
Pinning weighted complex networks with heterogeneous delays by a small number of feedback controllers
LY Xiang, ZX Liu, ZQ Chen, ZZ Yuan
Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51 (5), 511-523, 2008
On pinning synchronization of general coupled networks
L Xiang, JJH Zhu
Nonlinear Dynamics 64, 339-348, 2011
Distributed economic dispatch via a predictive scheme: Heterogeneous delays and privacy preservation
F Chen, X Chen, L Xiang, W Ren
Automatica 123, 109356, 2021
Controllability of directed networked MIMO systems with heterogeneous dynamics
L Xiang, P Wang, F Chen, G Chen
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 7 (2), 807-817, 2019
Controllability of weighted and directed networks with nonidentical node dynamics
L Xiang, JJH Zhu, F Chen, G Chen
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 405034, 2013
Coordinated tracking in mean square for a multi-agent system with noisy channels and switching directed network topologies
F Chen, L Xiang, W Lan, G Chen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 59 (11), 835-839, 2012
Distributed control for coupled nonholonomic mobile robots under the event‐triggered and self‐triggered frameworks
C Yang, Y Qiu, F Chen, L Xiang
Asian Journal of Control 19 (3), 900-917, 2017
Adaptive bipartite consensus control of general linear multi-agent systems using noisy measurements
Y Wu, Q Liang, Y Zhao, J Hu, L Xiang
European Journal of Control 59, 123-128, 2021
NPQ‐RRT : An Improved RRT  Approach to Hybrid Path Planning
Z Yu, L Xiang
Complexity 2021 (1), 6633878, 2021
Stabilizing weighted complex networks
L Xiang, Z Chen, Z Liu, F Chen, Z Yuan
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (48), 14369, 2007
Properties of composite Laplacian quadratics and their applications in consensus of linear differential inclusions
F Chen, L Xiang, W Ren
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (8), 2269-2275, 2015
Distributed adaptive coordinated tracking for coupled non‐holonomic mobile robots
Y Qiu, L Xiang
IET Control Theory & Applications 8 (18), 2336-2345, 2014
Model-based networked control system with multi-rate sampling
X Lin-ying, G Ge
Information and Control 34 (3), 373-377,380, 2005
Distributed rendezvous and tracking for multiple unicycles with heterogeneous input disturbances
C Yang, F Chen, L Xiang, W Lan
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 27 (9), 1589-1606, 2017
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Articles 1–20