Rhondda Jones
Cited by
Cited by
Movement patterns and egg distribution in cabbage butterflies
RE Jones
Journal of Animal Ecology 46 (1), 195-212, 1977
Ecological relationships
NE Gilbert, AP Gutierrez, BD Frazer, RE Jones
WH Freeman, 1976
Movement heterogeneity of dugongs, Dugong dugon (Müller), over large spatial scales
JK Sheppard, AR Preen, H Marsh, IR Lawler, SD Whiting, RE Jones
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 334 (1), 64-83, 2006
The form and consequences of random walk movement models
LM Marsh, RE Jones
Journal of theoretical Biology 133 (1), 113-131, 1988
Temperature, size and egg production in the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae L.
RE Jones, JR Hart, GD Bull
Australian Journal of Zoology 30 (2), 223-231, 1982
Levels and drivers of fishers’ compliance with marine protected areas
A Arias, JE Cinner, RE Jones, RL Pressey
Ecology and Society 20 (4), 2015
Search behaviour: a study of three caterpillar species
RE Jones
Behaviour 60 (3/4), 237-259, 1977
Association between metformin prescription and growth rates of abdominal aortic aneurysms
J Golledge, J Moxon, J Pinchbeck, G Anderson, S Rowbotham, J Jenkins, ...
Journal of British Surgery 104 (11), 1486-1493, 2017
Long-distance movement of Pieris rapae
RE Jones, N Gilbert, M Guppy, V Nealis
The Journal of Animal Ecology 49 (2), 629-642, 1980
Optimizing enforcement and compliance in offshore marine protected areas: a case study from Cocos Island, Costa Rica
A Arias, RL Pressey, RE Jones, JG Álvarez-Romero, JE Cinner
Oryx 50 (1), 18-26, 2016
Reproductive patterns and resource allocation in tropical butterflies: influence of adult diet and seasonal phenotype on fecundity, longevity and egg size
MF Braby, RE Jones
Oikos 72 (2), 189-204, 1995
A comparison of sampling methods for some arthropod populations in cotton
KF Byerly, AP Gutierrez, RE Jones, RF Luck
Hilgardia 46 (8), 257-282, 1978
Temperature and development in host-parasite relationships
VG Nealis, RE Jones, WG Wellington
Oecologia 61, 224-229, 1984
The effects of age and weather on egg-laying in Pieris rapae L.
TW Gossard, RE Jones
Journal of Applied Ecology 14 (1), 65-71, 1977
Improving data retention and home range estimates by data-driven screening
T Shimada, R Jones, C Limpus, M Hamann
Marine Ecology Progress Series 457, 171-180, 2012
Integration of occupation based intervention in hand injury rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
AZC Daud, MK Yau, F Barnett, J Judd, RE Jones, RFM Nawawi
Journal of hand therapy 29 (1), 30-40, 2016
The adaptiveness of searching and host selection behaviour in Pieris rapae (L.)
RE Jones, PM Ives
Australian Journal of Ecology 4 (1), 75-86, 1979
Dugong habitat use in relation to seagrass nutrients, tides, and diel cycles
JK Sheppard, H Marsh, RE Jones, IR Lawler
Marine mammal science 26 (4), 855-879, 2010
Association of Lower Extremity Performance With Cardiovascular and All‐Cause Mortality in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis.
JG Morris, Dylan R., Alexander J. Rodriguez, Joseph V. Moxon, Margaret A ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 3 (4), e001105, 2014
Sea turtles return home after intentional displacement from coastal foraging areas
T Shimada, C Limpus, R Jones, J Hazel, R Groom, M Hamann
Marine Biology 163 (8), DOI 10.1007/s00227-015-2771-0, 2016
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