Paul Grossman
Paul Grossman
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Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits: A meta-analysis
P Grossman, L Niemann, S Schmidt, H Walach
Journal of psychosomatic research 57 (1), 35-43, 2004
Heart rate variability: origins, methods, and interpretive caveats
GG Berntson, J Thomas Bigger Jr, DL Eckberg, P Grossman, ...
Psychophysiology 34 (6), 623-648, 1997
Toward understanding respiratory sinus arrhythmia: Relations to cardiac vagal tone, evolution and biobehavioral functions
P Grossman, EW Taylor
Biological psychology 74 (2), 263-285, 2007
Loving-kindness and compassion meditation: Potential for psychological interventions
SG Hofmann, P Grossman, DE Hinton
Clinical psychology review 31 (7), 1126-1132, 2011
Measuring mindfulness in insight meditation (Vipassana) and meditation‐based psychotherapy: The development of the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI)
N Buchheld
Journal for meditation and meditation research 1, 11, 2001
Defining mindfulness by how poorly I think I pay attention during everyday awareness and other intractable problems for psychology's (re) invention of mindfulness: comment on …
P Grossman
American Psychological Association 23 (4), 1034, 2011
Mindfulness, by any other name…: trials and tribulations of sati in western psychology and science
P Grossman, NT Van Dam
Mindfulness, 219-239, 2013
Mindfulness training as an intervention for fibromyalgia: evidence of postintervention and 3-year follow-up benefits in well-being
P Grossman, U Tiefenthaler-Gilmer, A Raysz, U Kesper
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 76 (4), 226-233, 2007
On measuring mindfulness in psychosomatic and psychological research.
P Grossman
Elsevier Science, 2008
Rapid stress reduction and anxiolysis among distressed women as a consequence of a three-month intensive yoga program.
A Michalsen, P Grossman, A Acil, J Langhorst, R Lüdtke, T Esch, ...
Medical science monitor 11 (12), CR555-CR561, 2005
Prediction of tonic parasympathetic cardiac control using respiratory sinus arrhythmia: the need for respiratory control
P Grossman, J Karemaker, W Wieling
Psychophysiology 28 (2), 201-216, 1991
Respiration, stress, and cardiovascular function
P Grossman
Psychophysiology 20 (3), 284-300, 1983
MS quality of life, depression, and fatigue improve after mindfulness training: a randomized trial
P Grossman, L Kappos, H Gensicke, M D'Souza, DC Mohr, IK Penner, ...
Neurology 75 (13), 1141-1149, 2010
A comparison of three quantification methods for estimation of respiratory sinus arrhythmia
P Grossman, J Van Beek, C Wientjes
Psychophysiology 27 (6), 702-714, 1990
Treating fibromyalgia with mindfulness-based stress reduction: results from a 3-armed randomized controlled trial
S Schmidt, P Grossman, B Schwarzer, S Jena, J Naumann, H Walach
Pain® 152 (2), 361-369, 2011
3-year outcomes in high-risk patients who underwent surgical or transcatheter aortic valve replacement
GM Deeb, MJ Reardon, S Chetcuti, HJ Patel, PM Grossman, SJ Yakubov, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 67 (22), 2565-2574, 2016
Emotions beyond the laboratory: Theoretical fundaments, study design, and analytic strategies for advanced ambulatory assessment
FH Wilhelm, P Grossman
Biological psychology 84 (3), 552-569, 2010
Autonomic and respiratory characteristics of posttraumatic stress disorder and panic disorder
J Blechert, T Michael, P Grossman, M Lajtman, FH Wilhelm
Psychosomatic medicine 69 (9), 935-943, 2007
Mindfulness and sustainable consumption: A systematic literature review of research approaches and findings
D Fischer, L Stanszus, S Geiger, P Grossman, U Schrader
Journal of Cleaner Production 162, 544-558, 2017
Anxiety and vagal control of heart rate
LL Watkins, P Grossman, R Krishnan, A Sherwood
Psychosomatic medicine 60 (4), 498-502, 1998
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Articles 1–20