Srividya Bansal
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Cited by
Integrating big data: A semantic extract-transform-load framework
SK Bansal, S Kagemann
Computer 48 (3), 42-50, 2015
Towards a semantic extract-transform-load (ETL) framework for big data integration
SK Bansal
2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 522-529, 2014
Automatic composition of semantic web services
S Kona, A Bansal, G Gupta, D Hite
International Conference on Web Services, 150-158, 2007
Generalized semantics-based service composition
S Kona, A Bansal, MB Blake, G Gupta
2008 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 219-227, 2008
Trust-based dynamic web service composition using social network analysis
SK Bansal, A Bansal, MB Blake
2010 IEEE International Workshop on: Business Applications of Social Network …, 2010
WSC-2009: a quality of service-oriented web services challenge
S Kona, A Bansal, MB Blake, S Bleul, T Weise
2009 ieee conference on commerce and enterprise computing, 487-490, 2009
WSC-08: continuing the web services challenge
A Bansal, MB Blake, S Kona, S Bleul, T Weise, MC Jaeger
2008 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the Fifth IEEE …, 2008
Template-based question answering using recursive neural networks
RG Athreya, SK Bansal, ACN Ngomo, R Usbeck
2021 IEEE 15th international conference on semantic computing (ICSC), 195-198, 2021
Usdl: A service-semantics description language for automatic service discovery and composition
S Kona, A Bansal, L Simon, A Mallya, G Gupta
International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR) 6 (1), 20-48, 2009
A universal service-semantics description language
A Bansal, S Kona, L Simon, A Mallya, G Gupta, TD Hite
Third European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS'05), 12 pp., 2005
Generalized semantic Web service composition
S Bansal, A Bansal, G Gupta, MB Blake
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 10, 111-133, 2016
A project spine for software engineering curricular design
K Gary, T Lindquist, S Bansal, A Ghazarian
2013 26th International Conference on Software Engineering Education and …, 2013
MOOCLink: Building and utilizing linked data from massive open online courses
S Kagemann, S Bansal
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Semantic …, 2015
Workflow composition of service level agreements for web services
MB Blake, DJ Cummings, A Bansal, S Kona Bansal
Decision Support Systems, 2012
Centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the transverse energy density in collisions at TeV
AM Sirunyan, CMS Collaboration, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, ...
Physical Review C 100 (2), 024902, 2019
Web service discovery and composition using usdl
S Kona, A Bansal, G Gupta, TD Hite
The 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 3rd …, 2006
Identifying trends in technologies and programming languages using topic modeling
V Johri, S Bansal
2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 391-396, 2018
Unimate: A student information system
PT Kannan, SK Bansal
2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2013
Ontoconnect: Unsupervised ontology alignment with recursive neural network
J Chakraborty, SK Bansal, L Virgili, K Konar, B Yaman
Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1874-1882, 2021
Semantic etl—State-of-the-art and open research challenges
J Chakraborty, A Padki, SK Bansal
2017 IEEE 11th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 413-418, 2017
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Articles 1–20