Peter Hairsine
Cited by
Cited by
Modelling water erosion due to overland flow using physical principles. I. Uniform Flow
PB Hairsine, CW Rose
Water Resources Research 28 (1), 237-243, 1992
Modelling water erosion due to overland flow using physical principles: II Rill flow
PB Hairsine, CW Rose
Water Resources Research 28 (1), 245-250, 1992
Responses of streamflow to changes in climate and land use/cover in the Loess Plateau, China
X Zhang, L Zhang, J Zhao, P Rustomji, P Hairsine
Water Resources Research 44 (7), 2008
Rainfall detachment and deposition – sediment transport in the absence of flow-driven processes.
PB Hairsine, CW Rose
Soil Science Society of America Journal 55 (2), 320–324, 1991
Determining the sources of suspended sediment in a forested catchment in southeastern Australia
JA Motha, PJ Wallbrink, PB Hairsine, RB Grayson
Water resources research 39 (3), 2003
Sediment delivery in managed forests: a review
JC Croke, PB Hairsine
Environmental Reviews 14 (1), 59-87, 2006
Soil recovery from track construction and harvesting changes in surface infiltration, erosion and delivery rates with time
J Croke, P Hairsine, P Fogarty
Forest Ecology and Management 143 (1-3), 3-12, 2001
Rainfall detachment and deposition: Experiments with low slopes and significant water depths
APB Proffitt, CW Rose, PB Hairsine
Soil Science Society of America Journal 55 (2), 325-332, 1991
Sediment transport, redistribution and storage on logged forest hillslopes in south‐eastern Australia
J Croke, P Hairsine, P Fogarty
Hydrological Processes 13 (17), 2705-2720, 1999
Unsealed roads as suspended sediment sources in an agricultural catchment in south-eastern Australia
JA Motha, PJ Wallbrink, PB Hairsine, RB Grayson
Journal of Hydrology 286 (1-4), 1-18, 2004
Runoff generation and re-distribution in logged eucalyptus forests, south-eastern Australia
J Croke, P Hairsine, P Fogarty
Journal of Hydrology 216 (1-2), 56-77, 1999
Tracer properties of eroded sediment and source material
JA Motha, PJ Wallbrink, PB Hairsine, RB Grayson
Hydrological Processes 16 (10), 1983-2000, 2002
River sediment load and concentration responses to changes in hydrology and catchment management in the Loess Plateau region of China
P Rustomji, XP Zhang, PB Hairsine, L Zhang, J Zhao
Water Resources Research 44 (7), 2008
Stochastic sediment transport in soil erosion
IG Lisle, CW Rose, WL Hogarth, PB Hairsine, GC Sander, JY Parlange
Journal of Hydrology 204 (1-4), 217-230, 1998
Unsteady soil erosion model, analytical solutions and comparison with experimental results
GC Sander, PB Hairsine, CW Rose, D Cassidy, JY Parlange, WL Hogarth, ...
Journal of Hydrology 178 (1-4), 351-367, 1996
Risks to the shared water resources of the Murray-Darling Basin
A Van Dijk, R Evans, P Hairsine, S Khan, R Nathan, Z Paydar, N Viney, ...
Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra 49, 2006
Recent developments regarding the influence of soil surface characteristics on overland flow and erosion
PB Hairsine, CJ Moran, CW Rose
Soil Research 30 (3), 249-264, 1992
Unsteady soil erosion due to rainfall impact: a model of sediment sorting on the hillslope
PB Hairsine, GC Sander, CW Rose, JY Parlange, WL Hogarth, I Lisle, ...
Journal of Hydrology 220 (3-4), 115-128, 1999
Reforestation, water availability and stream salinity: A multi-scale analysis in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
AIJM van Dijk, PB Hairsine, JP Arancibia, TI Dowling
Forest Ecology and Management 251 (1-2), 94-109, 2007
Testing a mechanistic soil erosion model with a simple experiment
A Heilig, D DeBruyn, MT Walter, CW Rose, JY Parlange, TS Steenhuis, ...
Journal of Hydrology 244 (1-2), 9-16, 2001
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Articles 1–20