Trang Pham
Trang Pham
Software Engineer, Google
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Cited by
Predicting healthcare trajectories from medical records: A deep learning approach
T Pham, T Tran, D Phung, S Venkatesh
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2017
Deepcare: A deep dynamic memory model for predictive medicine
T Pham, T Tran, D Phung, S Venkatesh
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 20th Pacific-Asia …, 2016
A deep learning model for estimating story points
M Choetkiertikul, HK Dam, T Tran, T Pham, A Ghose, T Menzies
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2018
Automatic feature learning for predicting vulnerable software components
HK Dam, T Tran, T Pham, SW Ng, J Grundy, A Ghose
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (1), 67-85, 2018
Column Networks for Collective Classification
T Pham, T Tran, D Phung, S Venkatesh
AAAI'17, 2017
A deep tree-based model for software defect prediction
HK Dam, T Pham, SW Ng, T Tran, J Grundy, A Ghose, T Kim, CJ Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.00921, 2018
A deep language model for software code
H Dam, T Tran, T Pham
Workshop on Naturalness of Software, FSE 2016: ACM SIGSOFT International …, 2016
Automatic feature learning for vulnerability prediction
HK Dam, T Tran, T Pham, SW Ng, J Grundy, A Ghose
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.02368, 2017
Graph Classification via Deep Learning with Virtual Nodes
T Pham, T Tran, H Dam, S Venkatesh
Representation Learning for Graphs Workshop - IJCAI'17, 2017
Graph Memory Networks for Molecular Activity Prediction
T Pham, T Tran, S Venkatesh
International Conference for Pattern Recognition, 2018
Automatically recommending components for issue reports using deep learning
M Choetkiertikul, HK Dam, T Tran, T Pham, C Ragkhitwetsagul, A Ghose
Empirical Software Engineering 26, 1-39, 2021
Faster Training of Very Deep Networks Via p-Norm Gates
T Pham, T Tran, D Phung, S Venkatesh
ICPR'16, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2016
International conference on advanced data mining and applications
T Pham, W Ma, D Tran, P Nguyen, D Phung
Springer,, 2013
Predicting components for issue reports using deep learning with information retrieval
M Choetkiertikul, HK Dam, T Tran, T Pham, A Ghose
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
Whole genome analysis of a Vietnamese trio
DT Hai, ND Thanh, PTM Trang, LS Quang, PTT Hang, DC Cuong, ...
Journal of Biosciences 40, 113-124, 2015
One size fits many: Column bundle for multi-x learning
T Pham, T Tran, S Venkatesh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07021, 2017
Building population-specific reference genomes: a case study of vietnamese reference genome
N Dai Thanh, PTM Trang, DT Hai, NHA Tuan, BQ Minh, DQ Minh, PB Son, ...
2015 Seventh International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering …, 2015
Relational dynamic memory networks
T Pham, T Tran, S Venkatesh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.04247, 2018
Preliminary results on the whole genome analysis of a Vietnamese individual
HT Dang, T Dai Nguyen, MTT Pham, CC Dang, PK Hoang, SB Pham, ...
VNU Journal of Science: Computer Science and Communication Engineering 30 (3), 2014
A deep tree-based model for software defect prediction
H Khanh Dam, T Pham, SW Ng, T Tran, J Grundy, A Ghose, T Kim, CJ Kim
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1802.00921, 2018
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Articles 1–20