Balasingham Balachandran
Balasingham Balachandran
Professor of Finance, La Trobe University
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Powerful CEOs and stock price crash risk
M Al Mamun, B Balachandran, HN Duong
Journal of Corporate Finance 62, 101582, 2020
Does carbon risk matter in firm dividend policy? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in an imputation environment
B Balachandran, JH Nguyen
Journal of Banking & Finance 96, 249-267, 2018
Corporate governance, firm value and risk: Past, present, and future
B Balachandran, R Faff
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 35, 1-12, 2015
Rights offerings, takeup, renounceability, and underwriting status
B Balachandran, R Faff, M Theobald
Journal of Financial Economics 89 (2), 328-346, 2008
Does takeover activity affect stock price crash risk? Evidence from international M&A laws
B Balachandran, HN Duong, H Luong, L Nguyen
Journal of Corporate Finance 64, 101697, 2020
Insider ownership and dividend policy in an imputation tax environment
B Balachandran, A Khan, P Mather, M Theobald
Journal of Corporate Finance 54, 153-167, 2019
Does exposure to foreign competition affect stock liquidity? Evidence from industry-level import data
N Atawnah, B Balachandran, HN Duong, EJ Podolski
Journal of Financial Markets 39, 44-67, 2018
Further evidence on the announcement effect of bonus shares in an imputation tax setting
B Balachandran, R Faff, S Tanner
Global Finance Journal 15 (2), 147-170, 2004
Managerial share ownership and operating performance: Do independent and executive directors have different incentives?
A Khan, P Mather, B Balachandran
Australian Journal of Management, 2012
On‐market share buybacks, exercisable share options and earnings management
B Balachandran, K Chalmers, J Haman
Accounting & Finance 48 (1), 25-49, 2008
Dividend reductions, the timing of dividend payments and information content
B Balachandran, C Krishnamurti, M Theobald, B Vidanapathirana
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2012
Rights offerings, subscription period, shareholder takeup, and liquidity
B Balachandran, R Faff, M Theobald, T Van Zijl
Journal of Financial and Quantitative analysis 47 (1), 213-239, 2012
Effective governance, financial markets, financial institutions & crises
B Balachandran, B Williams
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 50, 1-15, 2018
The intra-industry impact of special dividend announcements: Contagion versus competition
B Balachandran, R Faff, TA Nguyen
Journal of Multinational Financial Management 14 (4-5), 369-385, 2004
Signalling power of special dividends in an imputation environment
B Balachandran, TA Nguyen
Accounting & Finance 44 (3), 277-297, 2004
UK interim and final dividend reductions: a note on price reaction
B Balachandran
The European Journal of Finance 9 (4), 379-390, 2003
Pension deficits and the design of private debt contracts
B Balachandran, HN Duong
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 54 (4), 1821-1854, 2019
Are corporate general counsels in top management effective monitors? Evidence from stock price crash risk
MD Al Mamun, B Balachandran, HN Duong, FA Gul
European Accounting Review 30 (2), 405-437, 2021
Student perceptions of the first course in accounting: Majors versus non-majors.
G Tickell, TK Lim, B Balachandran
American Journal of Business Education 5 (5), 501-514, 2012
A Further Examination Of The Price And Volatility Impact Of Stock Dividends At Ex‐Dates
B Balachandran, R Faff, S Tanner
Australian Economic Papers 44 (3), 248-268, 2005
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Articles 1–20