Kiran Ijaz
Kiran Ijaz
Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction, The University of Sydney
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Cited by
Virtual worlds vs books and videos in history education
K Ijaz, A Bogdanovych, T Trescak
Interactive Learning Environments, 1-26, 2016
Mobile health and privacy: cross sectional study
G Tangari, M Ikram, K Ijaz, MA Kaafar, S Berkovsky
bmj 373, 2021
COVID-19 as ‘game changer’for the physical activity and mental well-being of augmented reality game players during the pandemic: Mixed methods survey study
LA Ellis, MD Lee, K Ijaz, J Smith, J Braithwaite, K Yin
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (12), e25117, 2020
Player Experience of Needs Satisfaction (PENS) in an Immersive Virtual Reality Exercise Platform Describes Motivation and Enjoyment
K Ijaz, N Ahmadpour, Y Wang, AR Calvo
International Journal of Human Computer Inetraction, 2020
A Survey of Latest Approaches for Crowd Simulation and Modeling using Hybrid Techniques
K Ijaz, S Sohail, S Hashish
17th UKSIM-AMSS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2015
Envisioning an artificial intelligence documentation assistant for future primary care consultations: A co-design study with general practitioners
AB Kocaballi, K Ijaz, L Laranjo, JC Quiroz, D Rezazadegan, HL Tong, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2020
An Immersive Virtual Reality Platform for Assessing Spatial Navigation Memory in Predementia Screening: Feasibility and Usability Study
K Ijaz, N Ahmadpour, LS Naismith, AR Calvo
JMIR Mental Health 6 (9), e13887, 2019
The city of uruk: teaching ancient history in a virtual world
A Bogdanovych, K Ijaz, S Simoff
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 12th International Conference, IVA 2012, Santa …, 2012
Enhancing the believability of embodied conversational agents through environment-, self-and interaction-awareness
K Ijaz, A Bogdanovych, S Simo
Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, 2011
A Fault Tolerant Infrastructure for Mobile Agents
S Summiya, K Ijaz, U Manzoor, AA Shahid
Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, 2006 and …, 2006
Design Considerations for Immersive Virtual Reality Applications for Older Adults: A Scoping Review
K Ijaz, TMT Tran, AB Kocaballi, RA Calvo, S Berkovsky, N Ahmadpour
Multimodal Technologies Interaction 6 (7), 60, 2022
Analyzing security issues of android mobile health and medical applications
G Tangari, M Ikram, IWB Sentana, K Ijaz, MA Kaafar, S Berkovsky
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (10), 2074-2084, 2021
Alexa depression and anxiety self-tests: a preliminary analysis of user experience and trust
JC Quiroz, T Bongolan, K Ijaz
Adjunct proceedings of the 2020 ACM international joint conference on …, 2020
A virtual reality food court to study meal choices in youth: design and assessment of usability
M Allman-Farinelli, K Ijaz, H Tran, H Pallotta, S Ramos, J Liu, ...
JMIR formative research 3 (1), e12456, 2019
Physical activity enjoyment on an immersive VR exergaming platform
K Ijaz, Y Wang, N Ahmadpour, RA Calvo
2017 IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC), 59-62, 2017
VR‐Rides: An object‐oriented application framework for immersive virtual reality exergames
Y Wang, K Ijaz, D Yuan, AR Calvo
Journal of Software: Practice and Experience, 2020
A software application framework for developing immersive virtual reality experiences in health domain
Y Wang, K Ijaz, RA Calvo
2017 IEEE Life sciences conference (LSC), 37-30, 2017
Clinical named entity recognition and relation extraction using natural language processing of medical free text: A systematic review
DF Navarro, K Ijaz, D Rezazadegan, H Rahimi-Ardabili, M Dras, E Coiera, ...
International Journal of Medical Informatics 177, 105122, 2023
Competitive vs Affiliative Design of Immersive VR Exergames
K Ijaz, Y Wang, D Milne, R Calvo
Serious Games 9894, 140-150, 2016
VR-Rides: Interactive VR Games for Health
K Ijaz, Y Wang, D Milne, R Calvo
Serious Games 9894, 289-292, 2016
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Articles 1–20