Robert Fagan
Robert Fagan
Senior Lecturer, School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield
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A molecular Swiss army knife: OmpA structure, function and expression
SGJ Smith, V Mahon, MA Lambert, RP Fagan
FEMS microbiology letters 273 (1), 1-11, 2007
The Clostridium difficile spo0A Gene Is a Persistence and Transmission Factor
LJ Deakin, S Clare, RP Fagan, LF Dawson, DJ Pickard, MR West, ...
Infection and immunity 80 (8), 2704-2711, 2012
Biogenesis and functions of bacterial S-layers
RP Fagan, NF Fairweather
Nature Reviews Microbiology 12 (3), 211-222, 2014
Clostridium difficile has two parallel and essential Sec secretion systems
RP Fagan, NF Fairweather
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (31), 27483-27493, 2011
High-Throughput Analysis of Gene Essentiality and Sporulation in Clostridium difficile
M Dembek, L Barquist, CJ Boinett, AK Cain, M Mayho, TD Lawley, ...
mBio 6 (2), e02383-14, 2015
Functional genomics reveals that Clostridium difficileSpo0A coordinates sporulation, virulence and metabolism
LJ Pettit, HP Browne, L Yu, WK Smits, RP Fagan, L Barquist, MJ Martin, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-15, 2014
Structural insights into the molecular organization of the S‐layer from Clostridium difficile
RP Fagan, D Albesa‐Jové, O Qazi, DI Svergun, KA Brown, ...
Molecular microbiology 71 (5), 1308-1322, 2009
The Clostridium difficile cell wall protein CwpV is antigenically variable between strains, but exhibits conserved aggregation-promoting function
CB Reynolds, JE Emerson, L de la Riva, RP Fagan, NF Fairweather
PLoS Pathog 7 (4), e1002024-e1002024, 2011
A novel genetic switch controls phase variable expression of CwpV, a Clostridium difficile cell wall protein
JE Emerson, CB Reynolds, RP Fagan, HA Shaw, D Goulding, ...
Molecular microbiology 74 (3), 541-556, 2009
Heat shock increases conjugation efficiency in Clostridium difficile
JA Kirk, RP Fagan
Anaerobe 42, 1-5, 2016
New class of precision antimicrobials redefines role of Clostridium difficile S-layer in virulence and viability
JA Kirk, D Gebhart, AM Buckley, S Lok, D Scholl, GR Douce, GR Govoni, ...
Science Translational Medicine 9 (406), eaah6813, 2017
Lighting Up Clostridium Difficile: Reporting Gene Expression Using Fluorescent Lov Domains
AM Buckley, C Jukes, D Candlish, JJ Irvine, J Spencer, RP Fagan, AJ Roe, ...
Scientific Reports 6, 23463, 2016
Clostridium difficile surface proteins are anchored to the cell wall using CWB2 motifs that recognise the anionic polymer PSII
SE Willing, T Candela, HA Shaw, Z Seager, S Mesnage, RP Fagan, ...
Molecular microbiology 96 (3), 596-608, 2015
Chemical probes of surface layer biogenesis in Clostridium difficile
THT Dang, L Riva, RP Fagan, EM Storck, WP Heal, C Janoir, ...
ACS Chemical Biology 5 (3), 279-285, 2010
A proposed nomenclature for cell wall proteins of Clostridium difficile
RP Fagan, C Janoir, A Collignon, P Mastrantonio, IR Poxton, ...
Journal of medical microbiology 60 (8), 1225-1228, 2011
Characteristics of the Clostridium difficile cell envelope and its importance in therapeutics
JA Kirk, O Banerji, RP Fagan
Microbial Biotechnology 10 (1), 76-90, 2017
Pathogenicity and virulence of Clostridioides difficile
JE Buddle, RP Fagan
Virulence 14 (1), 2150452, 2023
The hek outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli strain RS218 binds to proteoglycan and utilizes a single extracellular loop for adherence, invasion, and autoaggregation
RP Fagan, MA Lambert, SGJ Smith
Infection and immunity 76 (3), 1135-1142, 2008
The Hek outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli is an auto‐aggregating adhesin and invasin
RP Fagan, SGJ Smith
FEMS microbiology letters 269 (2), 248-255, 2007
An RNA-centric global view of Clostridioides difficile reveals broad activity of Hfq in a clinically important gram-positive bacterium
M Fuchs, V Lamm-Schmidt, J Sulzer, F Ponath, L Jenniches, JA Kirk, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (25), e2103579118, 2021
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Articles 1–20