Anthony Banks
Anthony Banks
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Cited by
A soft, wearable microfluidic device for the capture, storage, and colorimetric sensing of sweat
A Koh, D Kang, Y Xue, S Lee, RM Pielak, J Kim, T Hwang, S Min, A Banks, ...
Science translational medicine 8 (366), 366ra165-366ra165, 2016
Assembly of micro/nanomaterials into complex, three-dimensional architectures by compressive buckling
S Xu, Z Yan, KI Jang, W Huang, H Fu, J Kim, Z Wei, M Flavin, ...
Science 347 (6218), 154-159, 2015
Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with in-sensor analytics for neonatal intensive care
HU Chung, BH Kim, JY Lee, J Lee, Z Xie, EM Ibler, KH Lee, A Banks, ...
Science 363 (6430), eaau0780, 2019
Wireless bioresorbable electronic system enables sustained nonpharmacological neuroregenerative therapy
J Koo, MR MacEwan, SK Kang, SM Won, M Stephen, P Gamble, Z Xie, ...
Nature medicine 24 (12), 1830-1836, 2018
Flexible near-field wireless optoelectronics as subdermal implants for broad applications in optogenetics
G Shin, AM Gomez, R Al-Hasani, YR Jeong, J Kim, Z Xie, A Banks, ...
Neuron 93 (3), 509-521. e3, 2017
Battery-free, stretchable optoelectronic systems for wireless optical characterization of the skin
J Kim, GA Salvatore, H Araki, AM Chiarelli, Z Xie, A Banks, X Sheng, Y Liu, ...
Science advances 2 (8), e1600418, 2016
Skin-interfaced biosensors for advanced wireless physiological monitoring in neonatal and pediatric intensive-care units
HU Chung, AY Rwei, A Hourlier-Fargette, S Xu, KH Lee, EC Dunne, Z Xie, ...
Nature medicine 26 (3), 418-429, 2020
Miniaturized battery‐free wireless systems for wearable pulse oximetry
J Kim, P Gutruf, AM Chiarelli, SY Heo, K Cho, Z Xie, A Banks, S Han, ...
Advanced functional materials 27 (1), 1604373, 2017
Battery-free, wireless sensors for full-body pressure and temperature mapping
S Han, J Kim, SM Won, Y Ma, D Kang, Z Xie, KT Lee, HU Chung, A Banks, ...
Science translational medicine 10 (435), eaan4950, 2018
Epidermal electronics with advanced capabilities in near-field communication
JWL Jang, Z Liu, P Gutruf, X Huang, P Wei, F Liu, K Li, M Dalal, R Ghaffari, ...
small 11 (8), 906-912, 2015
Fully implantable and bioresorbable cardiac pacemakers without leads or batteries
YS Choi, RT Yin, A Pfenniger, J Koo, R Avila, K Benjamin Lee, SW Chen, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (10), 1228-1238, 2021
Molecular scale buckling mechanics in individual aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes on elastomeric substrates
DY Khang, J Xiao, C Kocabas, S MacLaren, T Banks, H Jiang, YY Huang, ...
Nano letters 8 (1), 124-130, 2008
Radio frequency analog electronics based on carbon nanotube transistors
C Kocabas, H Kim, T Banks, JA Rogers, AA Pesetski, JE Baumgardner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (5), 1405-1409, 2008
Fully implantable optoelectronic systems for battery-free, multimodal operation in neuroscience research
P Gutruf, V Krishnamurthi, A Vázquez-Guardado, Z Xie, A Banks, CJ Su, ...
Nature Electronics 1 (12), 652-660, 2018
Stretchable, dynamic covalent polymers for soft, long-lived bioresorbable electronic stimulators designed to facilitate neuromuscular regeneration
YS Choi, YY Hsueh, J Koo, Q Yang, R Avila, B Hu, Z Xie, G Lee, Z Ning, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 5990, 2020
Miniaturized flexible electronic systems with wireless power and near‐field communication capabilities
J Kim, A Banks, Z Xie, SY Heo, P Gutruf, JW Lee, S Xu, KI Jang, F Liu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (30), 4761-4767, 2015
Materials and device designs for an epidermal UV colorimetric dosimeter with near field communication capabilities
H Araki, J Kim, S Zhang, A Banks, KE Crawford, X Sheng, P Gutruf, Y Shi, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (2), 1604465, 2017
Soft, thin skin-mounted power management systems and their use in wireless thermography
JW Lee, R Xu, S Lee, KI Jang, Y Yang, A Banks, KJ Yu, J Kim, S Xu, S Ma, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (22), 6131-6136, 2016
Printing-based assembly of quadruple-junction four-terminal microscale solar cells and their use in high-efficiency modules
X Sheng, CA Bower, S Bonafede, JW Wilson, B Fisher, M Meitl, H Yuen, ...
Nature materials 13 (6), 593-598, 2014
Improved density in aligned arrays of single-walled carbon nanotubes by sequential chemical vapor deposition on quartz
SW Hong, T Banks, JA Rogers
Advanced materials 22 (16), 2010
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