Charlene Ng
Charlene Ng
Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden
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Cited by
Hot Carrier Extraction with Plasmonic Broadband Absorbers
C Ng, JJ Cadusch, S Dligatch, A Roberts, TJ Davis, P Mulvaney, ...
ACS Nano 10 (4), 4704-4711, 2016
TiO 2-supported copper nanoparticles prepared via ion exchange for photocatalytic hydrogen production
H Tian, XL Zhang, J Scott, C Ng, R Amal
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (18), 6432-6438, 2014
Influence of Annealing Temperature of WO3 in Photoelectrochemical Conversion and Energy Storage for Water Splitting
C Ng, YH Ng, A Iwase, R Amal
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (11), 5269-5275, 2013
Transforming Anodized WO3 Films into Visible-Light-Active Bi2WO6 Photoelectrodes by Hydrothermal Treatment
C Ng, A Iwase, YH Ng, R Amal
The journal of physical chemistry letters 3 (7), 913-918, 2012
Black gold: broadband, high absorption of visible light for photochemical systems
C Ng, LW Yap, A Roberts, W Cheng, DE Gómez
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (2), 1604080, 2017
Flower-shaped tungsten oxide with inorganic fullerene-like structure: synthesis and characterization
C Ng, C Ye, YH Ng, R Amal
Crystal growth & design 10 (8), 3794-3801, 2010
Plasmonic Near‐Complete Optical Absorption and Its Applications
C Ng, L Wesemann, E Panchenko, J Song, TJ Davis, A Roberts, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 7 (14), 1801660, 2019
Visible light-induced charge storage, on-demand release and self-photorechargeability of WO 3 film
C Ng, YH Ng, A Iwase, R Amal
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (29), 13421-13426, 2011
Harvesting, Storing and Utilising Solar Energy using MoO3: Modulating Structural Distortion through pH Adjustment
SN Lou, YH Ng, C Ng, J Scott, R Amal
ChemSusChem 7 (7), 1934-1941, 2014
Understanding Self‐Photorechargeability of WO3 for H2 Generation without Light Illumination
C Ng, A Iwase, YH Ng, R Amal
ChemSusChem 6 (2), 291-298, 2013
Atomic layer deposition of TiO2 nanostructures for self-cleaning applications
CJW Ng, H Gao, TTY Tan
Nanotechnology 19 (44), 445604, 2008
Tackling the scalability challenge in plasmonics by wrinkle-assisted colloidal self-assembly
Y Yu, C Ng, TAF König, A Fery
Langmuir 35 (26), 8629-8645, 2019
Waveguide‐Plasmon Polariton Enhanced Photochemistry
C Ng, S Dligatch, H Amekura, TJ Davis, DE Gómez
Advanced Optical Materials 3 (11), 1582-1590, 2015
Collective excitation of plasmonic hot-spots for enhanced hot charge carrier transfer in metal/semiconductor contacts
A Piot, SK Earl, C Ng, S Dligatch, A Roberts, TJ Davis, DE Gómez
Nanoscale 7 (18), 8294-8298, 2015
A dual-electrolyte system for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation using CuInS2-In2O3-TiO2 nanotube array thin film
C Ng, JH Yun, HL Tan, H Wu, R Amal, YH Ng
Science China Materials 61 (6), 895-904, 2018
A Tunable Polymer–Metal Based Anti‐Reflective Metasurface
Y Brasse, C Ng, M Magnozzi, H Zhang, P Mulvaney, A Fery, DE Gómez
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 41 (1), 1900415, 2020
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy 1
A Al-Bari, A da Costa, B Pérez, BS Pedro, CR Barrera, C de Almeida, ...
Autophagy 17 (1), 1-382, 2021
Luminescence of a transition metal complex inside a metamaterial nanocavity
TU Connell, SK Earl, C Ng, A Roberts, TJ Davis, JM White, A Polyzos, ...
Small 13 (32), 1700692, 2017
Synthesis of tungsten oxide for solar energy conversion and water splitting applications
UNSW Sydney, 2012
Large-area nanofabrication of partially embedded nanostructures for enhanced plasmonic hot-carrier extraction
C Ng, P Zeng, JA Lloyd, D Chakraborty, A Roberts, TA Smith, U Bach, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2 (3), 1164-1169, 2019
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Articles 1–20