Guy Desaulniers
Guy Desaulniers
professeur, département de mathématiques et génie industriel, École Polytechnique
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Column generation
G Desaulniers, J Desrosiers, MM Solomon
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Shortest path problems with resource constraints
S Irnich, G Desaulniers
Column generation, 33-65, 2005
The VRP with time windows
JF Cordeau, ...
Groupe d'études et de recherche en analyse des décisions, 2000
Exact algorithms for electric vehicle-routing problems with time windows
G Desaulniers, F Errico, S Irnich, M Schneider
Operations Research 64 (6), 1388-1405, 2016
Public transit
G Desaulniers, MD Hickman
Handbooks in operations research and management science 14, 69-127, 2007
VRP with Pickup and Delivery.
G Desaulniers, J Desrosiers, A Erdmann, MM Solomon, F Soumis
The vehicle routing problem 9, 225-242, 2002
A unified framework for deterministic time constrained vehicle routing and crew scheduling problems
G Desaulniers, J Desrosiers, I loachim, MM Solomon, F Soumis, ...
Fleet management and logistics, 57-93, 1998
Daily aircraft routing and scheduling
G Desaulniers, J Desrosiers, Y Dumas, MM Solomon, F Soumis
Management Science 43 (6), 841-855, 1997
Tabu search, partial elementarity, and generalized k-path inequalities for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
G Desaulniers, F Lessard, A Hadjar
Transportation Science 42 (3), 387-404, 2008
Exact branch-price-and-cut algorithms for vehicle routing
L Costa, C Contardo, G Desaulniers
Transportation Science 53 (4), 946-985, 2019
Crew pairing at air france
G Desaulniers, J Desrosiers, Y Dumas, S Marc, B Rioux, MM Solomon, ...
European journal of operational research 97 (2), 245-259, 1997
Simultaneous vehicle and crew scheduling in urban mass transit systems
K Haase, G Desaulniers, J Desrosiers
Transportation science 35 (3), 286-303, 2001
Branch-and-price-and-cut for the split-delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows
G Desaulniers
Operations research 58 (1), 179-192, 2010
Chapter 5: The vehicle routing problem with time windows
G Desaulniers, OBG Madsen, S Ropke
Vehicle Routing: Problems, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition, 119-159, 2014
A branch-and-price method for a liquefied natural gas inventory routing problem
R Grønhaug, M Christiansen, G Desaulniers, J Desrosiers
Transportation Science 44 (3), 400-415, 2010
A comparison of five heuristics for the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem
AS Pepin, G Desaulniers, A Hertz, D Huisman
Journal of scheduling 12, 17-30, 2009
Multi-depot vehicle scheduling problems with time windows and waiting costs
G Desaulniers, J Lavigne, F Soumis
European Journal of Operational Research 111 (3), 479-494, 1998
A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for the inventory-routing problem
G Desaulniers, JG Rakke, LC Coelho
Transportation Science 50 (3), 1060-1076, 2016
Accelerating strategies in column generation methods for vehicle routing and crew scheduling problems
CC Ribeiro, P Hansen, G Desaulniers, J Desrosiers, MM Solomon
Essays and surveys in metaheuristics, 309-324, 2002
A branch-and-price algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with deliveries, selective pickups and time windows
G Gutiérrez-Jarpa, G Desaulniers, G Laporte, V Marianov
European Journal of Operational Research 206 (2), 341-349, 2010
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