Andrew J. Weinert
Cited by
Cited by
Well-clear recommendation for small unmanned aircraft systems based on unmitigated collision risk
A Weinert, S Campbell, A Vela, D Schuldt, J Kurucar
Journal of air transportation 26 (3), 113-122, 2018
Uncorrelated encounter model of the national airspace system version 2.0
AJ Weinert, EP Harkleroad, JD Griffith, MW Edwards, MJ Kochenderfer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA …, 2013
A reference software architecture to support unmanned aircraft integration in the national airspace system
CW Heisey, AG Hendrickson, BJ Chludzinski, RE Cole, M Ford, L Herbek, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 69, 41-55, 2013
Near midair collision analog for drones based on unmitigated collision risk
A Weinert, L Alvarez, M Owen, B Zintak
Journal of Air Transportation 30 (2), 37-48, 2022
Large scale organization and inference of an imagery dataset for public safety
J Liu, D Strohschein, S Samsi, A Weinert
2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-6, 2019
Correlated Encounter Model for Cooperative Aircraft in the National Airspace System Version 2.0
N Underhill, E Harkleroad, R Guendel, AJ Weinert, DE Maki, MW Edwards
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA …, 2018
Efficiently Estimating Ambient Near Mid-Air Collision Risk for Unmanned Aircraft
E Maki, A Weinert, M Kochenderfer
10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference, 2010
Demand and Capacity Modeling for Advanced Air Mobility
LE Alvarez, JC Jones, A Bryan, AJ Weinert
AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, 2381, 2021
AutoVAPS: An IoT-enabled public safety service on vehicles
L Liu, X Zhang, Q Zhang, A Weinert, Y Wang, W Shi
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on International Science of Smart City …, 2019
Developing a low altitude manned encounter model using ADS-B observations
A Weinert, N Underhill, A Wicks
2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-8, 2019
Generating representative small UAS trajectories using open source data
A Weinert, N Underhill
2018 IEEE/AIAA 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-10, 2018
Three quantitative means to remain well clear for small UAS in the terminal area
ET Lester, A Weinert
2019 Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS …, 2019
Cloud computing in tactical environments
W Smith, G Kuperman, M Chan, E Morgan, H Nguyen, N Schear, B Vu, ...
MILCOM 2017-2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 882-887, 2017
Designing public safety mobile applications for disconnected, interrupted, and low bandwidth communication environments
P Erickson, A Weinert, P Breimyer, M Samperi, J Huff, C Parra, S Miller
2013 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security …, 2013
Providing communication capabilities during disaster response: Airborne remote communication (ARC) platform
AJ Weinert, P Breimyer, SM Devore, JM Miller, GS Brulo, RS Teal, ...
2012 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 395-400, 2012
Processing of crowdsourced observations of aircraft in a high performance computing environment
A Weinert, N Underhill, B Gill, A Wicks
2020 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-6, 2020
Leveraging sUAS for Infrastructure Network Exploration and Failure Isolation
AC Lee, M Dahan, AJ Weinert, S Amin
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 1-29, 2018
Correlated Bayesian Model of Aircraft Encounters in the Terminal Area Given a Straight Takeoff or Landing
A Weinert, N Underhill, C Serres, R Guendel
Aerospace 9 (2), 58, 2022
Applicability and surrogacy of uncorrelated airspace encounter models at low altitudes
N Underhill, A Weinert
Journal of Air Transportation 29 (3), 137-141, 2021
Due Regard Encounter Model Version 1.0
JD Griffith, MW Edwards, RM Miraflor, A Weinert
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory, Project Report …, 2013
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Articles 1–20