Jinhu Li
Jinhu Li
Department of Health Economics Wellbeing and Society, Australian National University
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Cited by
Physician response to pay‐for‐performance: Evidence from a natural experiment
J Li, J Hurley, P DeCicca, G Buckley
Health economics 23 (8), 962-978, 2014
Does more education lead to better health habits? Evidence from the school reforms in Australia
J Li, N Powdthavee
Social science & medicine 127, 83-91, 2015
Retaining rural doctors: doctors' preferences for rural medical workforce incentives
J Li, A Scott, M McGrail, J Humphreys, J Witt
Social Science & Medicine 121, 56-64, 2014
Accuracy of patient recall for self‐reported doctor visits: Is shorter recall better?
K Dalziel, J Li, A Scott, P Clarke
Health economics 27 (11), 1684-1698, 2018
The evolution of health outcomes from childhood to adolescence
P Contoyannis, J Li
Journal of Health Economics 30 (1), 11-32, 2011
Using discrete choice experiments as a decision aid in total knee arthroplasty: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
MM Dowsey, A Scott, EA Nelson, J Li, V Sundararajan, M Nikpour, ...
Trials 17 (1), 1, 2016
Do financial incentives influence GPs' decisions to do after‐hours work? A discrete choice labour supply model
B Broadway, G Kalb, J Li, A Scott
Health economics 26 (12), e52-e66, 2017
Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series
J Li, N Powdthavee
The response of Ontario primary care physicians to pay-for-performance incentives
P DeCicca, J Li, G Buckley
Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster University, 2011
Maxima: An open source computer algebra system
J Li, JS Racine
Journal of Applied Econometrics 23 (4), 515-523, 2008
Valuing the quality-of-life aged Care consumers (QOL-ACC) instrument for Quality Assessment and economic evaluation
J Ratcliffe, S Bourke, J Li, B Mulhern, C Hutchinson, J Khadka, R Milte, ...
PharmacoEconomics 40 (11), 1069-1079, 2022
MABEL user manual: wave 2 release
W Yan, T Cheng, A Scott, A Kuehnle, SH Jeon, P Sivey, A Leahy
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of …, 2011
Physician competition and low-value health care
A Scott, J Li, H Gravelle, M McGrail
American Journal of Health Economics 8 (2), 252-274, 2022
How do surgeons’ trade-off between patient outcomes and risk of complications in total knee arthroplasty? a discrete choice experiment in Australia
S Szawlowski, PFM Choong, J Li, E Nelson, M Nikpour, A Scott, ...
BMJ open 9 (7), e029406, 2019
The dynamics of adolescent depression: an instrumental variable quantile regression with fixed effects approach
P Contoyannis, J Li
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society …, 2017
Does increasing schooling improve later health habits? evidence from the school reforms in australia
J Li, N Powdthavee
Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series, 2014
Family Socio-economic Status, Childhood Life-events and the Dynamics of Depression from Adolescence to Early Adulthood
J Li
HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York, 2013
Echo effects of health shocks: The intergenerational consequences of prenatal and early-life malnutrition during the great leap forward famine in China
J Li, N Menon
The Journal of Development Studies 58 (3), 454-481, 2022
The effects of medical graduate expansion in Australia
A Scott, J Li
Plenary paper, 2012
Methods for health workforce projection model: systematic review and recommended good practice reporting guideline
JT Lee, I Crettenden, M Tran, D Miller, M Cormack, M Cahill, J Li, ...
Human Resources for Health 22 (1), 25, 2024
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Articles 1–20