Sheree Yau
Sheree Yau
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), LBBM USR3579
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Virophage control of antarctic algal host–virus dynamics
S Yau, FM Lauro, MZ DeMaere, MV Brown, T Thomas, MJ Raftery, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (15), 6163-6168, 2011
An integrative study of a meromictic lake ecosystem in Antarctica
FM Lauro, MZ DeMaere, S Yau, MV Brown, C Ng, D Wilkins, MJ Raftery, ...
The ISME journal 5 (5), 879-895, 2011
Key microbial drivers in Antarctic aquatic environments
D Wilkins, S Yau, TJ Williams, MA Allen, MV Brown, MZ DeMaere, ...
FEMS Microbiology Reviews 37 (3), 303-335, 2013
KS Siddiqui, TJ Williams, D Wilkins, S Yau, MA Allen, MV Brown, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 41 (1), 87-115, 2013
RSF1010-like plasmids in Australian Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and origin of their sul2-strA-strB antibiotic resistance gene cluster
S Yau, X Liu, SP Djordjevic, RM Hall
Microbial Drug Resistance 16 (4), 249-252, 2010
Community‐level responses to iron availability in open ocean plankton ecosystems
L Caputi, Q Carradec, D Eveillard, A Kirilovsky, E Pelletier, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33 (3), 391-419, 2019
Population genomics of picophytoplankton unveils novel chromosome hypervariability
R Blanc-Mathieu, M Krasovec, M Hebrard, S Yau, E Desgranges, J Martin, ...
Science Advances 3 (7), e1700239, 2017
Metagenomic insights into strategies of carbon conservation and unusual sulfur biogeochemistry in a hypersaline Antarctic lake
S Yau, FM Lauro, TJ Williams, MZ DeMaere, MV Brown, J Rich, ...
The ISME Journal 7 (10), 1944-1961, 2013
Untangling the multiple monooxygenases of Mycobacterium chubuense strain NBB4, a versatile hydrocarbon degrader
NV Coleman, S Yau, NL Wilson, LM Nolan, MD Migocki, M Ly, B Crossett, ...
Environmental Microbiology Reports 3 (3), 297-307, 2011
A Viral Immunity Chromosome in the Marine Picoeukaryote, Ostreococcus tauri
S Yau, C Hemon, E Derelle, H Moreau, G Piganeau, N Grimsley
PLoS Pathogens 12 (10), e1005965, 2016
Viruses of polar aquatic environments
S Yau, M Seth-Pasricha
Viruses 11 (2), 189, 2019
Genome Analyses of the Microalga Picochlorum Provide Insights into the Evolution of Thermotolerance in the Green Lineage
M Krasovec, E Vancaester, S Rombauts, F Bucchini, S Yau, C Hemon, ...
Genome biology and evolution 10 (9), 2347-2365, 2018
Virus-host coexistence in phytoplankton through the genomic lens
S Yau, M Krasovec, LF Benites, S Rombauts, M Groussin, E Vancaester, ...
Science Advances 6 (14), eaay2587, 2020
Prasinovirus attack of Ostreococcus is furtive by day but savage by night
E Derelle, S Yau, H Moreau, NH Grimsley
Journal of Virology 92 (4), 10.1128/jvi. 01703-17, 2018
Mantoniella beaufortii and Mantoniella baffinensis sp. nov. (Mamiellales, Mamiellophyceae), two new green algal species from the high arctic1
S Yau, A Lopes dos Santos, W Eikrem, C Gérikas Ribeiro, P Gourvil, ...
Journal of Phycology 56 (1), 37-51, 2020
Simplified Transformation of Ostreococcus tauri Using Polyethylene Glycol
F Sanchez, S Geffroy, M Norest, S Yau, H Moreau, N Grimsley
Genes 10 (5), 399, 2019
Visualization of Viral Infection Dynamics in a Unicellular Eukaryote and Quantification of Viral Production Using Virus Fluorescence in situ Hybridization
YM Castillo, M Sebastián, I Forn, N Grimsley, S Yau, C Moraru, D Vaqué
Frontiers in microbiology 11, 1559, 2020
Seasonal dynamics of algae-infecting viruses and their inferred interactions with protists
S Gran-Stadniczeñko, AK Krabberød, RA Sandaa, S Yau, E Egge, ...
Viruses 11 (11), 1043, 2019
Seasonal dynamics of natural Ostreococcus viral infection at the single cell level using VirusFISH
YM Castillo, I Forn, S Yau, XAG Morán, L Alonso‐Sáez, ...
Environmental microbiology 23 (6), 3009-3019, 2021
Diversity and evolution of Mamiellophyceae: early-diverging Phytoplanktonic Green algae containing many cosmopolitan species
CCM Yung, E Rey Redondo, F Sanchez, S Yau, G Piganeau
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (2), 240, 2022
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Articles 1–20