Elian Fink
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Cited by
Mental health difficulties in early adolescence: a comparison of two cross-sectional studies in England from 2009 to 2014
E Fink, P Patalay, H Sharpe, S Holley, J Deighton, M Wolpert
Journal of Adolescent Health 56 (5), 502-507, 2015
Friendlessness and theory of mind: A prospective longitudinal study
E Fink, S Begeer, CC Peterson, V Slaughter, M de Rosnay
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 33 (1), 1-17, 2015
Feedback from Outcome Measures and Treatment Effectiveness, Treatment Efficiency, and Collaborative Practice: A Systematic Review
D Gondek, J Edbrooke-Childs, E Fink, J Deighton, M Wolpert
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2016
Gender-differentiated effects of theory of mind, emotion understanding, and social preference on prosocial behavior development: A longitudinal study
RL Kuhnert, S Begeer, E Fink, M de Rosnay
Journal of experimental child psychology 154, 13-27, 2017
The effects of peer ostracism on children's cognitive processes
DJ Hawes, L Zadro, E Fink, R Richardson, K O'Moore, B Griffiths, ...
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 9 (5), 599-613, 2012
Sports bettors' responses to sports-embedded gambling promotions: Implications for compulsive consumption
N Hing, M Lamont, P Vitartas, E Fink
Journal of Business Research 68 (10), 2057-2066, 2015
Sports-embedded gambling promotions: A study of exposure, sports betting intention and problem gambling amongst adults
N Hing, M Lamont, P Vitartas, E Fink
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 13, 115-135, 2015
Talking theory of mind talk: young school-aged children's everyday conversation and understanding of mind and emotion
Journal of Child Language, 1-15, 2013
Adolescent exposure to gambling promotions during televised sport: An exploratory study of links with gambling intentions
N Hing, P Vitartas, M Lamont, E Fink
International Gambling Studies 14 (3), 374-393, 2014
False‐belief understanding and social preference over the first 2 years of school: A longitudinal study
E Fink, S Begeer, C Hunt, M de Rosnay
Child development 85 (6), 2389-2403, 2014
Exploring the relationship between quality of life and mental health problems in children: implications for measurement and practice
H Sharpe, P Patalay, E Fink, P Vostanis, J Deighton, M Wolpert
European child & adolescent psychiatry 25, 659-667, 2016
Assessing the bullying and victimisation experiences of children with special educational needs in mainstream schools: Development and validation of the Bullying Behaviour and …
E Fink, J Deighton, N Humphrey, M Wolpert
Research in developmental disabilities 36, 611-619, 2015
Bullying Victimisation in Adolescence: Prevalence and Inequalities by Gender, Socioeconomic Status and Academic Performance Across 71 Countries
M Hosozawa, D Bann, E Fink, E Eslden, S Baba, H Iso, P Patalay
SSRN Electronic Journal 71, 2021
Screen time in the coronavirus 2019 era: international trends of increasing use among 3-to 7-year-old children
AD Ribner, L Coulanges, S Friedman, ME Libertus, C Hughes, S Foley, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 239, 59-66. e1, 2021
Child-and School-Level Predictors of Children’s Bullying Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis in 648 Primary Schools.
E Fink, P Patalay, H Sharpe, M Wolpert
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2017
Understanding changes to children's connection to nature during the COVID‐19 pandemic and implications for child well‐being
S Friedman, S Imrie, E Fink, M Gedikoglu, C Hughes
People and Nature 4 (1), 155-165, 2022
Brief report: accuracy and response time for the recognition of facial emotions in a large sample of children with autism spectrum disorders
E Fink, M de Rosnay, M Wierda, HM Koot, S Begeer
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 44, 2363-2368, 2014
Expression and Regulation of Attachment-Related Emotions in Children with Conduct Problems and Callous–Unemotional Traits
MR Dadds, N Gale, M Godbee, C Moul, DS Pasalich, E Fink, DJ Hawes
Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-10, 2015
Family function and child adjustment difficulties in the COVID-19 pandemic: An international study
S Foley, F Badinlou, KC Brocki, MA Frick, L Ronchi, C Hughes
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (21), 11136, 2021
School characteristics and children's mental health: A linked survey-administrative data study
P Patalay, E O'Neill, J Deighton, E Fink
Preventive Medicine 141, 106292, 2020
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Articles 1–20