Yasir Saleem (Shaikh)
Cited by
Cited by
Internet of things-aided smart grid: technologies, architectures, applications, prototypes, and future research directions
Y Saleem, N Crespi, MH Rehmani, R Copeland
IEEE Access 7, 62962-63003, 2019
Primary radio user activity models for cognitive radio networks: A survey
Y Saleem, MH Rehmani
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 43, 1-16, 2014
Integration of cognitive radio technology with unmanned aerial vehicles: issues, opportunities, and future research challenges
Y Saleem, MH Rehmani, S Zeadally
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 50, 15-31, 2015
A comparative analysis of machine/deep learning models for parking space availability prediction
FM Awan, Y Saleem, R Minerva, N Crespi
Sensors 20 (1), 322, 2020
A survey on network coding: From traditional wireless networks to emerging cognitive radio networks
MZ Farooqi, SM Tabassum, MH Rehmani, Y Saleem
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 46, 166-181, 2014
Network coding in cognitive radio networks: A comprehensive survey
A Naeem, MH Rehmani, Y Saleem, I Rashid, N Crespi
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (3), 1945-1973, 2017
Exploitation of social IoT for recommendation services
Y Saleem, N Crespi, MH Rehmani, R Copeland, D Hussein, E Bertin
2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 359-364, 2016
Clustering and reinforcement-learning-based routing for cognitive radio networks
Y Saleem, KLA Yau, H Mohamad, N Ramli, MH Rehmani, Q Ni
IEEE Wireless Communications 24 (4), 146-151, 2017
Routing and channel selection from cognitive radio network’s perspective: A survey
Y Saleem, F Salim, MH Rehmani
Computers & Electrical Engineering 42, 117-134, 2015
SMART: A SpectruM-Aware ClusteR-based rouTing scheme for distributed cognitive radio networks
Y Saleem, KLA Yau, H Mohamad, N Ramli, MH Rehmani
Computer Networks 91, 196-224, 2015
Neighbor discovery in traditional wireless networks and cognitive radio networks: Basics, taxonomy, challenges and future research directions
AA Khan, MH Rehmani, Y Saleem
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 52, 173-190, 2015
Spectrum-aware dynamic channel assignment in cognitive radio networks
Y Saleem, A Bashir, E Ahmed, J Qadir, A Baig
2012 International Conference on Emerging Technologies, 1-6, 2012
Network simulator NS-2
MH Rehmani, Y Saleem
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, 6249-6258, 2015
Resource management in mobile sink based wireless sensor networks through cloud computing
Y Saleem, F Salim, MH Rehmani
Resource management in mobile computing environments, 439-459, 2014
Parking recommender system privacy preservation through anonymization and differential privacy
Y Saleem, MH Rehmani, N Crespi, R Minerva
Engineering Reports 3 (2), e12297, 2021
IoTRec: The IoT recommender for smart parking system
Y Saleem, P Sotres, S Fricker, CL de La Torre, N Crespi, GM Lee, ...
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 10 (1), 280-296, 2022
A vehicle-to-infrastructure data offloading scheme for vehicular networks with qos provisioning
Y Saleem, N Mitton, V Loscri
2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC …, 2021
Reinforcement Learning Models and Algorithms for Diabetes Management
KLA Yau, YW Chong, X Fan, C Wu, Y Saleem, PC Lim
IEEE Access 11, 28391-28415, 2023
Integration of cognitive radio sensor networks and cloud computing: A recent trend
Y Saleem, F Salim, MH Rehmani
Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: Applications, Architectures, and Challenges …, 2014
A QoS-Aware Hybrid V2I and V2V Data Offloading for Vehicular Networks
Y Saleem, N Mitton, V Loscri
2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall), 1-5, 2021
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Articles 1–20