John G Hughes
John G Hughes
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Object-oriented databases
JG Hughes
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1991
Using markov chains for link prediction in adaptive web sites
J Zhu, J Hong, JG Hughes
Int. Conference on Soft Issues in the Design, Development, and Operation of …, 2002
Navigation pattern discovery from internet data
AG Buchner, M Baumgarten, SS Anand, M Mulvenna, J Hughes
ACM Workshop on Web Usage Analysis and User Profiling (Webkdd), 1999
The role of domain knowledge in data mining
SS Anand, DA Bell, JG Hughes
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Information and …, 1995
EDM: A general framework for data mining based on evidence theory
SS Anand, DA Bell, JG Hughes
Data & Knowledge Engineering 18 (3), 189-223, 1996
A data mining methodology for cross-sales
SS Anand, AR Patrick, JG Hughes, DA Bell
Knowledge-based systems 10 (7), 449-461, 1998
Using markov models for web site link prediction
J Zhu, J Hong, JG Hughes
Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia …, 2002
Presbycusis phenotypes form a heterogeneous continuum when ordered by degree and configuration of hearing loss
PD Allen, DA Eddins
Hearing Research 264 (1-2), 10-20, 2010
Designing a kernel for data mining
SS Anand, BW Scotney, MG Tan, SI McClean, DA Bell, JG Hughes, ...
IEEE Expert 12 (2), 65-74, 1997
Tackling the cross-sales problem using data mining
SS Anand
Proc. 1st Pacific-Asia Conf. on KDD, 1997, 1997
Twenty year fitness trends in young adults and incidence of prediabetes and diabetes: the CARDIA study
LS Chow, AO Odegaard, TA Bosch, AE Bantle, Q Wang, J Hughes, ...
Diabetologia 59 (8), 1659-1665, 2016
Pagecluster: Mining conceptual link hierarchies from web log files for adaptive web site navigation
J Zhu, J Hong, JG Hughes
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 4 (2), 185-208, 2004
An internet-enabled knowledge discovery process
AG Buchner, M Mulvenna, SS Anand, J Hughes
9th International Database Conference on Heterogeneous and Internet Databases, 1999
Overweight and obesity on the island of Ireland: an estimation of costs
A Dee, A Callinan, E Doherty, C O'Neill, T McVeigh, MR Sweeney, ...
BMJ open 5 (3), e006189, 2015
Synthesis of polyquinanes. 2. The total synthesis of (.+-.)-silphinene: the intramolecular Diels-Alder approach
DD Sternbach, JW Hughes, DF Burdi, BA Banks
Journal of the American Chemical Society 107 (7), 2149-2153, 1985
Stueckelberg close-curve-crossing phases
DSF Crothers, JG Hughes
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 10 (15), L557, 1977
Proton hydrogen close-capture collision spectroscopy
DSF Crothers, JG Hughes
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1978
Heuristic charge assignment for deconvolution of electrospray ionization mass spectra
H Zheng, PC Ojha, S McClean, ND Black, JG Hughes, C Shaw
Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 17 (5), 429-436, 2003
Discovering case knowledge using data mining
SS Anand, D Patterson, JG Hughes, DA Bell
Research and Development in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: Second …, 1998
An evaluation of intelligent prognostic systems for colorectal cancer
SS Anand, AE Smith, PW Hamilton, JS Anand, JG Hughes, PH Bartels
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 15 (2), 193-214, 1999
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Articles 1–20