Michael Howes
Cited by
Cited by
Evaluating ecological restoration success: a review of the literature
L Wortley, JM Hero, M Howes
Restoration ecology 21 (5), 537-543, 2013
Environmental sustainability: a case of policy implementation failure?
M Howes, L Wortley, R Potts, A Dedekorkut-Howes, S Serrao-Neumann, ...
Sustainability 9 (2), 165, 2017
Interrogating resilience: toward a typology to improve its operationalization
JL Davidson, C Jacobson, A Lyth, A Dedekorkut-Howes, CL Baldwin, ...
Ecology and society 21 (2), 2016
Towards networked governance: improving interagency communication and collaboration for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation in Australia
M Howes, P Tangney, K Reis, D Grant-Smith, M Heazle, K Bosomworth, ...
Journal of environmental planning and management 58 (5), 757-776, 2015
Adapting or maladapting: Building resilience to climate-related disasters in coastal cities
E Torabi, A Dedekorkut-Howes, M Howes
Cities 72, 295-309, 2018
Politics and the Environment: Risk and the Role of Government and Industry
M Howes
Routledge, 2005
Can public awareness, knowledge and engagement improve climate change adaptation policies?
FS Khatibi, A Dedekorkut-Howes, M Howes, E Torabi
Discover Sustainability 2, 1-24, 2021
Mainstreaming climate change adaptation: An incremental approach to disaster risk management in Australia
M Heazle, P Tangney, P Burton, M Howes, D Grant-Smith, K Reis, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 33, 162-170, 2013
Unpacking components of sustainable and resilient urban food systems
LC Vieira, S Serrao-Neumann, M Howes, B Mackey
Journal of cleaner production 200, 318-330, 2018
When the tide gets high: A review of adaptive responses to sea level rise and coastal flooding
A Dedekorkut-Howes, E Torabi, M Howes
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63 (12), 2102-2143, 2020
Adapting ecological modernisation to the Australian context
M Howes, M McKenzie, B Gleeson, R Gray, J Byrne, P Daniels
Journal of integrative environmental sciences 7 (1), 5-21, 2010
Environmental sustainability in sport: A systematic literature review
R Cury, M Kennelly, M Howes
European Sport Management Quarterly 23 (1), 13-37, 2023
Powered by the state or finance? The organization of China’s carbon markets
AY Lo, M Howes
Eurasian Geography and Economics 54 (4), 386-408, 2013
Marine governance to avoid tipping points: Can we adapt the adaptability envelope?
S Serrao-Neumann, JL Davidson, CL Baldwin, A Dedekorkut-Howes, ...
Marine Policy 65, 56-67, 2016
The limits of ecological modernization as an adaptive strategy
JA Byrne, B Gleeson, M Howes, W Steele
Planning for climate change: Strategies for mitigation and adaptation for …, 2009
Background inequality and differential participation in deliberative valuation: Lessons from small-group discussions on forest conservation in Colombia
A Vargas, AY Lo, N Rohde, M Howes
Ecological Economics 129, 104-111, 2016
Not waving, drowning: can local government policies on climate change adaptation and disaster resilience make a difference?
E Torabi, A Dedekorkut-Howes, M Howes
Urban policy and research 35 (3), 312-332, 2017
Planning for a different kind of sea change: lessons from Australia for sea level rise and coastal flooding
A Dedekorkut-Howes, E Torabi, M Howes
Climate Policy 21 (2), 152-170, 2021
Daring to build fair and sustainable urban food systems: A case study of alternative food networks in Australia
L Canal Vieira, S Serrao-Neumann, M Howes
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 45 (3), 344-365, 2021
Power and carbon sovereignty in a non-traditional capitalist state: discourses of carbon trading in China
AY Lo, M Howes
Global Environmental Politics 15 (1), 60-82, 2015
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Articles 1–20