Junjian Wang
Junjian Wang
Associate Groundwater Modeller
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Cited by
The lattice Boltzmann method for isothermal micro-gaseous flow and its application in shale gas flow: A review
J Wang, L Chen, Q Kang, SS Rahman
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 95, 94-108, 2016
Apparent permeability prediction of organic shale with generalized lattice Boltzmann model considering surface diffusion effect
J Wang, L Chen, Q Kang, SS Rahman
Fuel 181, 478-490, 2016
A comprehensive review of deep coalbed methane and recent developments in China
S Li, Y Qin, D Tang, J Shen, J Wang, S Chen
International Journal of Coal Geology, 104369, 2023
Simulation of gas flow in micro-porous media with the regularized lattice Boltzmann method
J Wang, Q Kang, Y Wang, R Pawar, SS Rahman
Fuel 205, 232-246, 2017
Pore-scale lattice Boltzmann simulation of micro-gaseous flow considering surface diffusion effect
J Wang, Q Kang, L Chen, SS Rahman
International Journal of Coal Geology 169, 62-73, 2017
An investigation of fluid leak-off due to osmotic and capillary effects and its impact on micro-fracture generation during hydraulic fracturing stimulation of gas shale
J Wang, SS Rahman
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-174392-MS, 2015
A hybrid fracture-micropore network model for multiphysics gas flow in coal
Y Jing, A Rabbani, RT Armstrong, J Wang, P Mostaghimi
Fuel 281, 118687, 2020
Investigation of water leakoff considering the component variation and gas entrapment in shale during hydraulic-fracturing stimulation
J Wang, SS Rahman
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 19 (03), 511-519, 2016
Pore-scale study of the effects of surface roughness on relative permeability of rock fractures using lattice Boltzmann method
J Yi, H Xing, J Wang, Z Xia, Y Jing
Chemical Engineering Science, 2019
Quantitative characterization of void and demineralization effect in coal based on dual-resolution X-ray computed tomography
M Wang, J Wang, S Tao, D Tang, C Wang, J Yi
Fuel 267, 116836, 2020
Effects of wettability on relative permeability of rough-walled fracture at pore-scale: A lattice Boltzmann analysis
J Yi, L Liu, Z Xia, J Wang, Y Jing, L Duan
Applied Thermal Engineering 194, 117100, 2021
Abnormal adsorption and desorption of nitrogen at 77 K on coals: Study of causes and improved experimental method
J Ye, S Tao, S Li, D Tang, J Wang, H Xu
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2019
Geologically controlling factors on coal bed methane (CBM) productivity in Liulin
L Gao, D Tang, H Xu, S Meng, W Zhang, Y Meng, J Wang
Journal of Coal Science and Engineering (China) 18 (4), 362-367, 2012
An image-based coal network model for simulating hydro-mechanical gas flow in coal: An application to carbon dioxide geo-sequestration
Y Jing, A Rabbani, RT Armstrong, J Wang, Y Zhang, P Mostaghimi
Journal of Cleaner Production 379, 134647, 2022
Analytical solution of gas flow in rough‐walled micro‐fracture at in‐situ conditions
J Wang, D Tang, Y Jing
Water Resources Research, 2019
Minireview on Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Gas Flow and Adsorption in Shale Porous Media: Progress and Future Direction
J Zhao, J Wang, G Zhang, D Zhou, L Chen, H Viswanathan, Q Kang
Energy & Fuels 37 (3), 1511-1524, 2023
Stress sensitivity of coal samples in terms of anisotropy
JJ Wang, DZ Tang, H Xu, J Yi, YJ Yi
Journal of Coal Science and Engineering (China) 19 (2), 203-209, 2013
Dynamic evaluation of heterogeneity in pore-fracture system of different rank coals under different confining pressure based on low-field NMR
H Chen, D Tang, S Li, H Xu, S Tao, J Wang, Y Liu
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 43 …, 2021
An innovative technique for estimation of permeability of shale gas reservoirs
Y Yuan, S Rahman, J Wang, NG Doonechaly
SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, SPE …, 2015
Stress sensitivity of coal: A digital core analysis
H Zhou, S Li, S Zhao, J Wang, M Wang
Energy & Fuels 36 (6), 3076-3087, 2022
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Articles 1–20