Euthemia Stavrulaki
Cited by
Cited by
Aligning products with supply chain processes and strategy
E Stavrulaki, M Davis
The International Journal of Logistics Management 21 (1), 127-151, 2010
“Stack them high, let’em fly”: lot-sizing policies when inventories stimulate demand
A Balakrishnan, MS Pangburn, E Stavrulaki
Management Science 50 (5), 630-644, 2004
Learning to solve problems on the Web: Aggregate planning in a business management course
D Jonassen, T Prevish, D Christy, E Stavrulaki
Distance Education 20 (1), 49-63, 1999
Inventory decisions for substitutable products with stock-dependent demand
E Stavrulaki
International Journal of Production Economics 129 (1), 65-78, 2011
Integrating the promotional and service roles of retail inventories
A Balakrishnan, MS Pangburn, E Stavrulaki
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 10 (2), 218-235, 2008
Capacity and price setting for dispersed, time-sensitive customer segments
MS Pangburn, E Stavrulaki
European Journal of Operational Research 184 (3), 1100-1121, 2008
Perceived parenting styles, academic achievement, and life satisfaction of college students: the mediating role of motivation orientation
E Stavrulaki, M Li, J Gupta
European Journal of Psychology of Education 36, 693-717, 2021
The efficacy of a mindfulness-based intervention for college students under extremely stressful conditions
B Smit, E Stavrulaki
Mindfulness 12, 3086-3100, 2021
A typology for service supply chains and its implications for strategic decisions
E Stavrulaki, MM Davis
Service Science 6 (1), 34-46, 2014
Simultaneous price, location, and capacity decisions on a line of time‐sensitive customers
G Dobson, E Stavrulaki
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 54 (1), 1-10, 2007
Using digital service inventories to create customer value
MM Davis, J Field, E Stavrulaki
Service Science 7 (2), 83-99, 2015
Take back costs and product durability
MS Pangburn, E Stavrulaki
European Journal of Operational Research 238 (1), 175-184, 2014
Competitive location and capacity decisions for firms serving time‐sensitive customers
AM Kwasnica, E Stavrulaki
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 55 (7), 704-721, 2008
A framework for increasing sustainability in services
MM Davis, E Stavrulaki, A Wolfson
Service Science 10 (2), 139-153, 2018
A product centric examination of PD/SC alignment decisions at the nexus of product development and supply chains
DJ Primus, E Stavrulaki
The International Journal of Logistics Management 28 (2), 634-655, 2017
Capacitated, finish-to-order production planning with customer ordering day assignments
G Dobson, E Stavrulaki
IIE Transactions 35 (5), 445-455, 2003
Connecting product development and supply chain sub-processes to improve new product introductions: the impact of connection intensity and timing
DJ Primus, E Stavrulaki
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 19 (2), 142-159, 2018
Business analytics and supply chain and operations management–a text mining-based literature review
A Chircu, N Kononchuk, G Li, Y Qi, E Stavrulaki
Proceedings for the Northeast Region Decision Sciences Institute, 1-24, 2016
Service facility location and design with pricing and waiting-time considerations
MS Pangburn, E Stavrulaki
Supply Chain Optimization, 209-241, 2005
Two-resource stochastic capacity planning employing a Bayesian methodology
E Stavrulaki, DKH Fong, DKJ Lin
Journal of the Operational Research Society 54 (11), 1198-1208, 2003
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Articles 1–20