Marc Russell
Marc Russell
Research Ecologist US EPA Gulf Breeze
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Ecosystem development after mangrove wetland creation: plant–soil change across a 20-year chronosequence
MJ Osland, AC Spivak, JA Nestlerode, JM Lessmann, AE Almario, ...
Ecosystems 15, 848-866, 2012
An operational structure for clarity in ecosystem service values
RJ Johnston, M Russell
Ecological economics 70 (12), 2243-2249, 2011
Net anthropogenic phosphorus inputs: spatial and temporal variability in the Chesapeake Bay region
MJ Russell, DE Weller, TE Jordan, KJ Sigwart, KJ Sullivan
Biogeochemistry 88, 285-304, 2008
Accounting for natural resources and environmental sustainability: linking ecosystem services to human well-being
SJ Jordan, SE Hayes, D Yoskowitz, LM Smith, JK Summers, M Russell, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 44 (5), 1530-1536, 2010
Created mangrove wetlands store belowground carbon and surface elevation change enables them to adjust to sea-level rise
KW Krauss, N Cormier, MJ Osland, ML Kirwan, CL Stagg, JA Nestlerode, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1030, 2017
The effect of freshwater inflow on net ecosystem metabolism in Lavaca Bay, Texas
MJ Russell, PA Montagna, RD Kalke
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68 (1-2), 231-244, 2006
Projecting effects of land use change on human well-being through changes in ecosystem services
SH Yee, E Paulukonis, C Simmons, M Russell, R Fulford, L Harwell, ...
Ecological modelling 440, 109358, 2021
Spatial and temporal variability and drivers of net ecosystem metabolism in western Gulf of Mexico estuaries
MJ Russell, PA Montagna
Estuaries and Coasts 30, 137-153, 2007
Rapid peat development beneath created, maturing mangrove forests: ecosystem changes across a 25‐yr chronosequence
MJ Osland, LC Feher, AC Spivak, JA Nestlerode, AE Almario, N Cormier, ...
Ecological Applications 30 (4), e02085, 2020
Testing ecosystem accounting in the United States: A case study for the Southeast
KJD Warnell, M Russell, C Rhodes, KJ Bagstad, LP Olander, DJ Nowak, ...
Ecosystem services 43, 101099, 2020
Human well-being differs by community type: Toward reference points in a human well-being indicator useful for decision support
RS Fulford, LM Smith, M Harwell, D Dantin, M Russell, J Harvey
Ecological Indicators 56, 194-204, 2015
Classifying the biological condition of small streams: an example using benthic macroinvertebrates
KO Maloney, DE Weller, MJ Russell, T Hothorn
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28 (4), 869-884, 2009
Estimating benefits in a recovering estuary: Tampa Bay, Florida
M Russell, H Greening
Estuaries and Coasts 38, 9-18, 2015
The final ecosystem goods and services (FEGS) approach: A beneficiarycentric method to support ecosystem-based management
TH DeWitt, WJ Berry, TJ Canfield, RS Fulford, MC Harwell, JC Hoffman, ...
Ecosystem-based management, ecosystem services and aquatic biodiversity …, 2020
Contaminant profiles for surface water, sediment, flora and fauna associated with the mangrove fringe along middle and lower eastern Tampa Bay
MA Lewis, MJ Russell
Marine Pollution Bulletin 95 (1), 273-282, 2015
Linking ecosystem service supply to stakeholder concerns on both land and sea: An example from Guánica Bay watershed, Puerto Rico
A Smith, SH Yee, M Russell, J Awkerman, WS Fisher
Ecological indicators 74, 371-383, 2017
Human dimensions of our estuaries and coasts
D Yoskowitz, M Russell
Estuaries and Coasts 38, 1-8, 2015
National Ecosystem Services Classification System (NESCS Plus). US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
T Newcomer-Johnson, F Andrews, J Corona, T DeWitt, M Harwell, ...
EPA/600/R-20/267, 2020
Prioritization of ecosystem services research: Tampa Bay demonstration project
M Russell, J Rogers, S Jordan, D Dantin, J Harvey, J Nestlerode, ...
Journal of Coastal Conservation 15, 647-658, 2011
Practical strategies for integrating final ecosystem goods and services into community decision-making
S Yee, J Bousquin, R Bruins, TJ Canfield, TH DeWitt, R de Jesús-Crespo, ...
US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, 2017
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Articles 1–20