Fathu Rahman
Cited by
Cited by
Strategi Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning
AA Setyo, M Fathu rahman, Z Anwar, S PdI
Yayasan Barcode, 2020
The Constraints of Foreign Learners in Reading English Literary Works: A Case Study at Hasanuddin University
F Rahman
Journal of Arts & Humanities (JAH) 7 (02, 2018), 01-12, 2018
Artificial intelligence in EFL context: Rising students’ speaking performance with Lyra virtual assistance
Junaidi, B Hamuddin, K Julita, F Rahman, T Derin
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (05), 6735-6741, 2020
Cyber Literature: A Reader – Writer Interactivity
F Rahman
IJSSES 3 (4), 156-164, 2017
Trends in Reading Literary Fiction in Print and Cyber Media by Undergraduate Students of Hasanuddin University
F Rahman, PM Amir, Tammasse
International Journal of Education and Practice (Scopus) 7 (2), 66-77, 2019
Linguistic deviation and the rhetoric figures in Shakespeare’s selected plays
F Rahman, S Weda
XLinguae 12 (n1_2019), 37-52, 2019
Students’ Perceptions in Appreciating English Literary Works through Critical Comment: A Case Study at Hasanuddin University and Universitas Negeri Makassar
F Rahman, S Weda
Asian EFL Journal 20 (12.3), 149-172, 2018
Factors Affecting Students’ Willingness to Communicate in EFL Classroom at Higher Institution in Indonesia
S Weda, H Atmowardoyo, F Rahman, MM Said, AEF Sakti
International Journal of Instruction (Scopus) 14 (2), 2021
The revival of local fairy tales for children education
F Rahman
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2017
Do They Truly Intend to Harm Their Friends?: The Motives Beyond Cyberbullying among University Students
B Hamuddin, S Syahdan, F Rahman, D Rianita, T Derin
Research Anthology on Combating Cyber-Aggression and Online Negativity, 775-788, 2019
A Software to Increase English Learning Outcomes: An Acceleration Model of English as the Second Language
M Aswad, F Rahman, IM Said, B Hamuddin, NF Nurchalis
The Asian EFL Journal 26 (6.2.2019), 157-169, 2019
English language competence for tourism sector in supporting socio-economic development in Merauke: A Survey Study
LA Prihandoko, Y Tembang, DN Marpaung, F Rahman
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (1), 012170, 2019
Save the World versus Man-made Disaster: A Cultural Perspective
F Rahman
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 235 (1), 1-10, 2019
Covid-19 Pandemic and Axiology of Communication: A Study of Linguistic Phenomena
Sukmawaty, FF Rahman, C Andini
Change 7 (4), 2022
ICT Usage in Teaching English in Pekanbaru: Exploring Junior High School Teachers’ Problems
J Junaidi, B Hamuddin, W Simangunsong, F Rahman, T Derin
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (3), 5052 - 5063, 2020
Facebook Group as Media of Learning Writing in ESP Context: A Case Study at Hasanuddin University
F Rahman, A Abbas, M Hasyim
The Asian EFL Journal 26 (6.1), 153-167, 2019
The study of Japanese women in the facial treatment advertisement: a semiotics perspective of Pierce’s Theory
C Andini, S Sosrohadi, F Fairuz, M Dalyan, FF Rahman, H Hasnia
Cultural Preservation: Rediscovering the Endangered Oral Tradition of Maluku (A Case Study on Kapata of Central Maluku)
F Rahman, PS Letlora
Advances in Language and Literary Studies 9 (No 2 (2018)), 91 - 97, 2018
The Shift of Honorifics due to The Promotion As A Government Official: Comparative Study
S Sukmawaty, C Andini, FF Rahman
Linguistic aspects in intercultural communication (IC) practices at a higher education institution in Indonesia
S Weda, H Atmowardoyo, F Rahman, AEF Sakti
Eroupean Language Scientific Journal (Scopus Q1) 14 (2-6), 76-91, 2021
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Articles 1–20