Alexander Gavrilov
Alexander Gavrilov
A/Professor of Physics, Curtin University
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The marine soundscape of the Perth Canyon
C Erbe, A Verma, R McCauley, A Gavrilov, I Parnum
Progress in Oceanography 137, 38-51, 2015
The transarctic acoustic propagation experiment and climate monitoring in the Arctic
PN Mikhalevsky, AN Gavrilov, AB Baggeroer
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 24 (2), 183-201, 1999
Steady inter and intra-annual decrease in the vocalization frequency of Antarctic blue whales
AN Gavrilov, RD McCauley, J Gedamke
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (6), 4476-4480, 2012
Vocal characteristics of pygmy blue whales and their change over time
AN Gavrilov, RD McCauley, C Salgado-Kent, J Tripovich, C Burton
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130 (6), 3651-3660, 2011
Acoustic techniques for seabed classification
JD Penrose, PJW Siwabessy, A Gavrilov, I Parnum, LJ Hamilton, ...
Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone Estuary and Waterway Management …, 2005
Low-frequency acoustic propagation loss in the Arctic Ocean: Results of the Arctic climate observations using underwater sound experiment
AN Gavrilov, PN Mikhalevsky
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119 (6), 3694-3706, 2006
Multipurpose acoustic networks in the integrated Arctic Ocean observing system
PN Mikhalevsky, H Sagen, PF Worcester, AB Baggeroer, J Orcutt, ...
Arctic, 11-27, 2015
Characterizing diversity and variation in fish choruses in Darwin Harbour
MJG Parsons, CP Salgado-Kent, SA Marley, AN Gavrilov, RD McCauley
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (8), 2058-2074, 2016
COMPILE—A generic benchmark case for predictions of marine pile-driving noise
S Lippert, M Nijhof, T Lippert, D Wilkes, A Gavrilov, K Heitmann, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 41 (4), 1061-1071, 2016
Acoustic detection and long-term monitoring of pygmy blue whales over the continental slope in southwest Australia
AN Gavrilov, RD McCauley
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (3), 2505-2513, 2013
Underwater noise from offshore oil production vessels
C Erbe, R McCauley, C McPherson, A Gavrilov
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (6), EL465-EL470, 2013
Fluctuations of seafloor backscatter data from multibeam sonar systems
AN Gavrilov, IM Parnum
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 35 (2), 209-219, 2010
High-frequency multibeam echo-sounder measurements of seafloor backscatter in shallow water: Part 1–Data acquisition and processing
IM Parnum, AN Gavrilov
Underwater Technology 30 (1), 3-12, 2011
Characterization of the seafloor in Australia’s coastal zone using acoustic techniques
AN Gavrilov, AJ Duncan, RD McCauley, IM Parnum, JD Penrose, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference" Underwater Acoustic …, 2005
Observing the ocean in the 2000s: a strategy for the role of acoustic tomography in ocean climate observation
B Dushaw, G Bold, CS Chiu, J Colosi, B Cornuelle, Y Desaubies, ...
Godae Project Office, Bureau of Meteorology, 2001
Experiment tests use of acoustics to monitor temperature and ice in Arctic Ocean
PN Mikhalevsky, AB Baggeroer, A Gavrilov, M Slavinsky
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 76 (27), 265-269, 1995
Nest survival and productivity of the critically endangered Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius
M Watson, JM Wilson, M Koshkin, B Sherbakov, F Karpov, A Gavrilov, ...
Ibis 148 (3), 489-502, 2006
Acoustic thermometry in the Arctic Ocean
PN Mikhalevsky, AN Gavrilov
Polar Research 20 (2), 185-192, 2001
A global ocean acoustic observing network
B Dushaw, W Au, A Beszczynska-Möller, R Brainard, BD Cornuelle, ...
Proceedings of OceanObs’ 09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information …, 2010
Filling gaps in wave records with artificial neural networks
O Makarynskyy, D Makarynska, E Rusu, A Gavrilov
Maritime transportation and exploitation of ocean and coastal resources 2 …, 2005
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Articles 1–20