Thanh Liem Vo
Cited by
Cited by
Coal mining wastes valorization as raw geomaterials in construction: A review with new perspectives
TL Vo, W Nash, M Del Galdo, M Rezania, R Crane, MM Nezhad, L Ferrara
Journal of Cleaner Production 336, 130213, 2022
Bearing capacity of strip footings on unsaturated soils by the slip line theory
T Vo, AR Russell
Computers and Geotechnics 74, 122-131, 2016
Slip line theory applied to a retaining wall–unsaturated soil interaction problem
T Vo, AR Russell
Computers and Geotechnics 55, 416-428, 2014
Stability charts for curvilinear slopes in unsaturated soils
T Vo, AR Russell
Soils and foundations 57 (4), 543-556, 2017
Interaction of a rotating rigid retaining wall with an unsaturated soil in experiments
T Vo, H Taiebat, AR Russell
Géotechnique 66 (5), 366-377, 2016
Influences of suction on plate load tests on unsaturated silty sands
Y Tang, T Vo, HA Taiebat, AR Russell
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (8), 04018043, 2018
Cohesion and suction induced hang-up in ore passes
T Vo, H Yang, AR Russell
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 87, 113-128, 2016
Mechanical anisotropy, rheology and carbon footprint of 3D printable concrete: A review
C Wang, B Chen, TL Vo, M Rezania
Journal of Building Engineering, 107309, 2023
Unsaturated soil interacting with a rotating model wall
T Vo, AR Russell
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 13 (2), 63-78, 2013
Cone penetration tests in saturated and unsaturated silty tailings
AR Russell, T Vo, J Ayala, Y Wang, D Reid, AB Fourie
Géotechnique 74 (3), 281-295, 2022
Interaction between retaining walls and unsaturated soils in experiments and using slip line theory
T Vo, AR Russell
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 143 (4), 04016120, 2017
The fall cone test in unsaturated soil and tailings pastes
T Vo, Y Wang, AR Russell
Géotechnique 72 (3), 274-281, 2022
Early age hydration behaviour of foam concrete containing a coal mining waste: novel experimental procedures and effects of capillary pressure
EJ Foghi, T Vo, M Rezania, MM Nezhad, L Ferrara
Construction and Building Materials 414, 134811, 2024
Modelling unsaturated silty tailings and the conditions required for static liquefaction
Y Wang, T Vo, AR Russell
Géotechnique, 1-13, 2023
Improvements in estimating strengths of loose tailings: Results from the Tailliq research project
A Fourie, D Reid, J Ayala, A Russell, T Vo, M Rahman, J Vinod
Proc. Mine Waste and Tailings, 207-217, 2021
Influence of Uncalcined Coal Gangue on the Microstructure and Properties of Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Cement
C Wang, TL Vo, M Rezania, B Chen
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 36 (8), 04024201, 2024
Contours of saturated and unsaturated overhanging slopes at limiting equilibrium condition
T Vo, AR Russell
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2020
Interaction between a rigid retaining wall and unsaturated soils
UNSW Sydney, 2014
The shapes of collapsed sinkholes at limiting equilibrium
RA Kimiko, V Thanh, RA Russell
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Civil …, 2021
Analysis of suction induced hang-up in an ore pass
T Vo, AR Russell, H Yang
UNSAT 2018: The 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 2018
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Articles 1–20