Marieke Scholvinck
Marieke Scholvinck
Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience
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Neural basis of global resting-state fMRI activity
ML Schölvinck, A Maier, FQ Ye, JH Duyn, DA Leopold
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (22), 10238-10243, 2010
Differential components of prospective memory?: Evidence from fMRI
JS Simons, ML Schölvinck, SJ Gilbert, CD Frith, PW Burgess
Neuropsychologia 44 (8), 1388-1397, 2006
The detection of visual contrast in the behaving mouse
L Busse, A Ayaz, NT Dhruv, S Katzner, AB Saleem, ML Schölvinck, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (31), 11351-11361, 2011
Subcortical evidence for a contribution of arousal to fMRI studies of brain activity
X Liu, JA De Zwart, ML Schölvinck, C Chang, FQ Ye, DA Leopold, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 395, 2018
Tracking brain arousal fluctuations with fMRI
C Chang, DA Leopold, ML Schölvinck, H Mandelkow, D Picchioni, X Liu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (16), 4518-4523, 2016
Locomotion controls spatial integration in mouse visual cortex
A Ayaz, AB Saleem, ML Schölvinck, M Carandini
Current Biology 23 (10), 890-894, 2013
Cortical state determines global variability and correlations in visual cortex
ML Schölvinck, AB Saleem, A Benucci, KD Harris, M Carandini
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (1), 170-178, 2015
The contribution of electrophysiology to functional connectivity mapping
ML Schölvinck, DA Leopold, MJ Brookes, PH Khader
Neuroimage 80, 297-306, 2013
On the role of rostral prefrontal cortex (area 10) in prospective memory.
PW Burgess, I Dumontheil, SJ Gilbert, J Okuda, ML Schölvinck, ...
Taylor & Francis Group/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008
The influence of spontaneous activity on stimulus processing in primary visual cortex
ML Schölvinck, KJ Friston, G Rees
Neuroimage 59 (3), 2700-2708, 2012
Quantifying the interactions between allo-and egocentric representations of space
SFW Neggers, ML Schölvinck, RHJ van der Lubbe, A Postma
Acta psychologica 118 (1-2), 25-45, 2005
Attentional influences on the dynamics of motion-induced blindness
ML Schölvinck, G Rees
Journal of Vision 9 (1), 38-38, 2009
Functional connectivity patterns of visual cortex reflect its anatomical organization
E Genç, ML Schölvinck, J Bergmann, W Singer, A Kohler
Cerebral cortex 26 (9), 3719-3731, 2016
The cortical energy needed for conscious perception
ML Schölvinck, C Howarth, D Attwell
Neuroimage 40 (4), 1460-1468, 2008
Spontaneous variability in gamma dynamics described by a damped harmonic oscillator driven by noise
G Spyropoulos, M Saponati, JR Dowdall, ML Schölvinck, CA Bosman, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 2019, 2022
Neural correlates of motion-induced blindness in the human brain
ML Schölvinck, G Rees
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22 (6), 1235-1243, 2010
Divergence of categorical and coordinate spatial processing assessed with ERPs
RHJ van der Lubbe, ML Schölvinck, JL Kenemans, A Postma
Neuropsychologia 44 (9), 1547-1559, 2006
Stimulus-specific plasticity of macaque V1 spike rates and gamma
A Peter, BJ Stauch, K Shapcott, K Kouroupaki, JT Schmiedt, L Klein, ...
Cell reports 37 (10), 2021
The diversity and specificity of functional connectivity across spatial and temporal scales
TA Engel, ML Schölvinck, CM Lewis
Neuroimage 245, 118692, 2021
The brain during free movement–What can we learn from the animal model
BF Händel, ML Schölvinck
Brain research 1716, 3-15, 2019
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Articles 1–20