Wei Emma Zhang
Wei Emma Zhang
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Cited by
Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning Models in Natural Language Processing: A Survey
WE Zhang, QZ Sheng, AAF Alhazmi, C Li
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 2020
A review and categorization of techniques on device-free human activity recognition
Z Hussain, QZ Sheng, WE Zhang
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 167, 102738, 2020
Multi-document summarization via deep learning techniques: A survey
C Ma, WE Zhang, M Guo, H Wang, QZ Sheng
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2022
A review and categorization of techniques on device-free human activity recognition
Z Hussain, QZ Sheng, WE Zhang
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 167, 102738, 2020
Conversational question answering: a survey
YZ Munazza Zaib, Wei Emma Zhang, Quan Z. Sheng, Adnan Mahmood
Knowledge and Information Systems, 2022
Iot device identification via network-flow based fingerprinting and learning
SA Hamad, WE Zhang, QZ Sheng, S Nepal
2019 18th IEEE international conference on trust, security and privacy in …, 2019
Realizing an internet of secure things: A survey on issues and enabling technologies
SA Hamad, QZ Sheng, WE Zhang, S Nepal
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 22 (2), 1372-1391, 2020
Software-defined heterogeneous vehicular networking: The architectural design and open challenges
A Mahmood, WE Zhang, QZ Sheng
Future Internet 11 (3), 70, 2019
A short survey of pre-trained language models for conversational ai-a new age in nlp
M Zaib, QZ Sheng, W Emma Zhang
Proceedings of the Australasian computer science week multiconference, 1-4, 2020
Detecting duplicate posts in programming QA communities via latent semantics and association rules
WE Zhang, QZ Sheng, JH Lau, E Abebe
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, 1221-1229, 2017
Generating textual adversarial examples for deep learning models: A survey
WE Zhang, QZ Sheng, AAF Alhazmi, C Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.06796, 129, 2019
The 10 research topics in the Internet of Things
WE Zhang, QZ Sheng, A Mahmood, M Zaib, SA Hamad, A Aljubairy, ...
2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet …, 2020
Collaborative location recommendation by integrating multi-dimensional contextual information
L Yao, QZ Sheng, X Wang, WE Zhang, Y Qin
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 18 (3), 1-24, 2018
Semantic equivalent adversarial data augmentation for visual question answering
R Tang, C Ma, WE Zhang, Q Wu, X Yang
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Don’t miss the labels: Label-semantic augmented meta-learner for few-shot text classification
Q Luo, L Liu, Y Lin, W Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021 …, 2021
Adversarial attacks and detection on reinforcement learning-based interactive recommender systems
Y Cao, X Chen, L Yao, X Wang, WE Zhang
Proceedings of the 43rd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2020
A hybrid trust management heuristic for VANETs
A Mahmood, B Butler, WE Zhang, QZ Sheng, SA Siddiqui
2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2019
Service recommendation for mashup composition with implicit correlation regularization
L Yao, X Wang, QZ Sheng, W Ruan, W Zhang
2015 ieee international conference on web services, 217-224, 2015
Trust computational heuristic for social Internet of Things: A machine learning-based approach
S Sagar, A Mahmood, QZ Sheng, WE Zhang
ICC 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2020
Context-aware and adaptive QoS prediction for mobile edge computing services
Z Liu, QZ Sheng, X Xu, D Chu, WE Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15 (1), 400-413, 2019
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Articles 1–20