Majid Kiavarz
Cited by
Cited by
Monitoring and forecasting heat island intensity through multi-temporal image analysis and cellular automata-Markov chain modelling: A case of Babol city, Iran
MK Firozjaei, M Kiavarz, SK Alavipanah, T Lakes, S Qureshi
Ecological indicators 91, 155-170, 2018
Statistical analysis of surface urban heat island intensity variations: A case study of Babol city, Iran
Q Weng, MK Firozjaei, A Sedighi, M Kiavarz, SK Alavipanah
GIScience & remote sensing 56 (4), 576-604, 2019
Surface anthropogenic heat islands in six megacities: An assessment based on a triple-source surface energy balance model
MK Firozjaei, Q Weng, C Zhao, M Kiavarz, L Lu, SK Alavipanah
Remote Sensing of Environment 242, 111751, 2020
Geothermal prospectivity mapping using GIS-based Ordered Weighted Averaging approach: A case study in Japan’s Akita and Iwate provinces
M Kiavarz, M Jelokhani-Niaraki
Geothermics 70, 295-304, 2017
Spatial analysis and multi-criteria decision making for regional-scale geothermal favorability map
MK Moghaddam, F Samadzadegan, Y Noorollahi, MA Sharifi, R Itoi
Geothermics 50, 189-201, 2014
Normalizing land surface temperature for environmental parameters in mountainous and urban areas of a cold semi-arid climate
Q Weng, MK Firozjaei, M Kiavarz, SK Alavipanah, S Hamzeh
Science of the Total Environment 650, 515-529, 2019
A historical and future impact assessment of mining activities on surface biophysical characteristics change: A remote sensing-based approach
MK Firozjaei, A Sedighi, HK Firozjaei, M Kiavarz, M Homaee, JJ Arsanjani, ...
Ecological Indicators 122, 107264, 2021
Remotely sensed urban surface ecological index (RSUSEI): an analytical framework for assessing the surface ecological status in urban environments
MK Firozjaei, S Fathololoumi, Q Weng, M Kiavarz, SK Alavipanah
Remote Sensing 12 (12), 2029, 2020
Automated built-up extraction index: A new technique for mapping surface built-up areas using LANDSAT 8 OLI imagery
MK Firozjaei, A Sedighi, M Kiavarz, S Qureshi, D Haase, SK Alavipanah
Remote Sensing 11 (17), 1966, 2019
Land Surface Ecological Status Composition Index (LSESCI): A novel remote sensing-based technique for modeling land surface ecological status
MK Firozjaei, S Fathololoumi, M Kiavarz, A Biswas, M Homaee, ...
Ecological Indicators 123, 107375, 2021
A novel method to quantify urban surface ecological poorness zone: A case study of several European cities
MK Firozjaei, M Kiavarz, M Homaee, JJ Arsanjani, SK Alavipanah
Science of the Total Environment 757, 143755, 2021
A PCA–OLS model for assessing the impact of surface biophysical parameters on land surface temperature variations
MK Firozjaei, SK Alavipanah, H Liu, A Sedighi, N Mijani, M Kiavarz, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (18), 2094, 2019
Modelling surface heat island intensity according to differences of biophysical characteristics: A case study of Amol city, Iran
MK Firozjaei, S Fathololoumi, M Kiavarz, JJ Arsanjani, SK Alavipanah
Ecological Indicators 109, 105816, 2020
Spatial data analysis for exploration of regional scale geothermal resources
MK Moghaddam, Y Noorollahi, F Samadzadegan, MA Sharifi, R Itoi
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 266, 69-83, 2013
A new approach for modeling near surface temperature lapse rate based on normalized land surface temperature data
MK Firozjaei, S Fathololoumi, SK Alavipanah, M Kiavarz, AR Vaezi, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 242, 111746, 2020
Modeling the impact of the COVID-19 lockdowns on urban surface ecological status: A case study of Milan and Wuhan cities
MK Firozjaei, S Fathololomi, M Kiavarz, JJ Arsanjani, M Homaee, ...
Journal of environmental management 286, 112236, 2021
Monitoring of land surface albedo and its impact on land surface temperature (LST) using time series of remote sensing data
A Tahooni, AA Kakroodi, M Kiavarz
Ecological Informatics 75, 102118, 2023
An evaluation of energy balance parameters, and the relations between topographical and biophysical characteristics using the mountainous surface energy balance algorithm for …
MK Firozjaei, M Kiavarz, O Nematollahi, M Karimpour Reihan, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (13), 5230-5260, 2019
The development of spectral indices for detecting built-up land areas and their relationship with land-surface temperature
K Ezimand, AA Kakroodi, M Kiavarz
International journal of remote sensing 39 (23), 8428-8449, 2018
Spatial-temporal analysis of urban environmental quality of Tehran, Iran
M Javanbakht, AD Boloorani, M Kiavarz, NN Samany, L Zebardast, ...
Ecological Indicators 120, 106901, 2021
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Articles 1–20