Yanir Seroussi
Cited by
Cited by
What makes you tick? The psychology of social media engagement in space science communication
YL Hwong, C Oliver, M Van Kranendonk, C Sammut, Y Seroussi
Computers in Human Behavior 68, 480-492, 2017
Authorship attribution with topic models
Y Seroussi, I Zukerman, F Bohnert
Computational Linguistics 40 (2), 269-310, 2014
Personalised rating prediction for new users using latent factor models
Y Seroussi, F Bohnert, I Zukerman
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, 47-56, 2011
Reef Life Survey: Establishing the ecological basis for conservation of shallow marine life
GJ Edgar, A Cooper, SC Baker, W Barker, NS Barrett, MA Becerro, ...
Biological Conservation 252, 1-14, 2020
Authorship attribution with latent Dirichlet allocation
Y Seroussi, I Zukerman, F Bohnert
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language …, 2011
Authorship Attribution with Author-aware Topic Models
Y Seroussi, F Bohnert, I Zukerman
Collaborative inference of sentiments from texts
Y Seroussi, I Zukerman, F Bohnert
International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization …, 2010
Continent-wide declines in shallow reef life over a decade of ocean warming
GJ Edgar, RD Stuart-Smith, FJ Heather, NS Barrett, E Turak, H Sweatman, ...
Nature 615 (7954), 858-865, 2023
Tracking widespread climate-driven change on temperate and tropical reefs
RD Stuart-Smith, GJ Edgar, E Clausius, ES Oh, NS Barrett, MJ Emslie, ...
Current Biology 32 (19), 4128-4138. e3, 2022
Ghosts from the High Court’s past: Evidence from computational linguistics for Dixon ghosting for McTiernan and Rich
Y Seroussi, R Smyth, I Zukerman
University of New South Wales Law Journal 34 (3), 984-1005, 2011
Utilising user texts to improve recommendations
Y Seroussi
International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization …, 2010
TraceHaplotyper: using direct sequencing to determine the phase of an indel followed by biallelic SNPs
Y Seroussi, E Seroussi
BioTechniques 43 (4), 452-456, 2007
You don’t need a data scientist yet
Y Seroussi
Text mining and rating prediction with topical user models
Y Seroussi
Monash University, 2012
A User-based Approach to Multi-way Polarity Classification
Y Seroussi, I Zukerman, F Bohnert
Technical Report 2010/253, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash …, 2010
SNPmplexViewer--toward a cost-effective traceability system
Y Seroussi, A Shirak, E Seroussi
BMC research notes 4 (1), 146, 2011
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Articles 1–16