Ketan Mane
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Cited by
Mapping topics and topic bursts in PNAS
KK Mane, K Börner
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 101 (suppl_1), 5287-5290, 2004
VisualDecisionLinc: A visual analytics approach for comparative effectiveness-based clinical decision support in psychiatry
KK Mane, C Bizon, C Schmitt, P Owen, B Burchett, R Pietrobon, K Gersing
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (1), 101-106, 2012
Next generation massively parallel sequencing of targeted exomes to identify genetic mutations in primary ciliary dyskinesia: implications for application to clinical testing
JS Berg, JP Evans, MW Leigh, H Omran, C Bizon, K Mane, MR Knowles, ...
Genetics in Medicine 13 (3), 218-229, 2011
Trends in animal behaviour research (1968–2002): ethoinformatics and the mining of library databases
TJ Ord, EP Martins, S Thakur, KK Mane, K Börner
Animal Behaviour 69 (6), 1399-1413, 2005
Mapping medline papers, genes, and proteins related to melanoma research
KW Boyack, K Mane, K Borner
Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation …, 2004
Diagnostic performance dashboards: tracking diagnostic errors using big data
KK Mane, KB Rubenstein, N Nassery, AL Sharp, EA Shamim, NS Sangha, ...
BMJ quality & safety 27 (7), 567-570, 2018
Emergency information synthesis and awareness using e-sos
LM Collins, JE Powell, CE Dunford, KK Mane, MLB Martinez
Proceedings of the 5th International ISCRAM Conference, 2008
ScienceSifter: Facilitating activity awareness in collaborative research groups through focused information feeds
LM Collins, KK Mane, MLB Martinez, JAT Hussell, RE Luce
First International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science'05 …, 2005
Treemap, radial tree, and 3d tree visualizations
N Sheth, K Börner, J Baumgartner, K Mane, E Wernert
IEEE InfoVis Poster Compendium 1, 128-129, 2003
Collaborative eScience libraries
LM Collins, MLB Martinez, KK Mane, JE Powell, CM Kieffer, T Simas, ...
International Journal on Digital Libraries 7, 31-33, 2007
Patient Electronic Health Data–Driven Approach to Clinical Decision Support
KK Mane, C Bizon, P Owen, K Gersing, J Mostafa, C Schmitt
Clinical and translational science 4 (5), 369-371, 2011
Personalization is not a panacea: balancing serendipity and personalization in medical news content delivery
X Fan, J Mostafa, K Mane, C Sugimoto
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium …, 2012
Social awareness tools for science research
TM McMahon, JE Powell, M Hopkins, DA Alcazar, LE Miller, L Collins, ...
D-Lib Magazine 18 (3/4), 2012
Information visualization and large‐scale repositories
L Marks Collins, JAT Hussell, RK Hettinga, JE Powell, KK Mane, ...
Library hi tech 25 (3), 366-378, 2007
Visual aids to medical data and computational diagnostics: new frontiers in pediatric neurology
KK Mane, T Loddenkemper, IS Fernández, MA Mikati, M Tennison, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 28 (2), 258-260, 2013
The Geographic Awareness Tool: techniques for geo‐encoding digital library content
J Powell, K Mane, L Marks Collins, MLB Martinez, T McMahon
Library Hi Tech News 27 (9/10), 5-9, 2010
Reducing information overload in emergencies by detecting themes in web content
JH Roman, LM Collins, KK Mane, MLB Martinez, CE Dunford, ...
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Systems for …, 2008
Computational diagnostics: A novel approach to viewing medical data
KK Mane, K Borner
Fifth International Conference on Coordinated and Multiple Views in …, 2007
2465: the design of a patient-centered personal health record with patients as co-designers
A Chung, H Chen, G Shin, K Mane, HC Kum
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 1 (S1), 18-18, 2017
SRS browser: a visual interface to the sequence retrieval system
KK Mane, K Börner
Visualization and Data Analysis 2006 6060, 339-349, 2006
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Articles 1–20