Yuriy Tselishchev
Yuriy Tselishchev
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Challenges in body area networks for healthcare: The MAC
A Boulis, D Smith, D Miniutti, L Libman, Y Tselishchev
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (5), 100-106, 2012
Performance and scalability evaluation of the Castalia wireless sensor network simulator
D Pediaditakis, Y Tselishchev, A Boulis
Proceedings of the 3rd international ICST conference on simulation tools and …, 2010
Experiences and lessons from implementing a wireless sensor network mac protocol in the castalia simulator
Y Tselishchev, A Boulis, L Libman
2010 IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference, 1-6, 2010
Contention vs. Polling: A Study in Body Area Networks MAC Design
A Boulis, T Yuriy
Fifth International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNetS 2010), 151-157, 2010
Reducing transmission losses in body area networks using variable TDMA scheduling
Y Tselishchev, L Libman, A Boulis
2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2011
Impact of wireless channel temporal variation on MAC design for body area networks
A Boulis, Y Tselishchev, L Libman, D Smith, L Hanlen
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 11 (S2), 1-18, 2012
Energy-efficient retransmission strategies under variable TDMA scheduling in body area networks
Y Tselishchev, L Libman, A Boulis
2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 374-381, 2011
Variable scheduling to mitigate channel losses in energy-efficient body area networks
Y Tselishchev, A Boulis, L Libman
Sensors 12 (11), 14692-14710, 2012
Designing a medium access control protocol for body area networks
Y Tselishchev
2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2011
Wireless Sensor Network tesbed for structural Health Monitoring of bridges
Y Tselishchev, A Boulis
Sensors, 2009 IEEE, 1796-1799, 2009
Efficient conditional-probability link modeling capturing temporal variations in body area networks
DB Smith, A Boulis, Y Tselishchev
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis …, 2012
A wireless sensor network test-bed for structural health monitoring of bridges
A Boulis, R Berriman, S Attar, Y Tselishchev
2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 1040-1043, 2011
Wireless bodyarea-networks: toward a wearable intranet
L Hanlen, D Smith, A Boulis, B Gilbert, V Chaganti, L Craven, D Fang, ...
National ICT Australia, 2011
Castalia simulator
T Boulis, Y Tselishchev, D Pediaditakis
URL: https://github. com/boulis/Castalia. accessed, 23-04, 2019
Effects of carrier sense modeling on wireless network simulation results
A Boulis, Y Tselishchev
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis …, 2011
Effects of sensor-to-sensor link modeling on body area network simulations
Y Tselishchev, A Boulis
Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and …, 2012
Integrity of a civil structure
P Runcie, A Boulis, M Ott, R Berriman, Y Tselishchev, T Rakotoarivelo
US Patent App. 14/403,020, 2015
Designing a MAC Protocol for Body Area Networks
Y Tselishchev
University of Sydney, 2013
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Articles 1–18