Lyn McDonald, PhD
Lyn McDonald, PhD
Lecturer (retired), University of Queensland
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Cited by
Corporate social responsibility and bank customer satisfaction: a research agenda
LM McDonald, S Rundle‐Thiele
International Journal of Bank Marketing 26 (3), 170-182, 2008
Stakeholder reactions to company crisis communication and causes
LM McDonald, B Sparks, AI Glendon
Public Relations Review 36 (3), 263-271, 2010
Impact of corporate social responsibility initiatives on Taiwanese banking customers
LM McDonald, C Hung Lai
International Journal of Bank Marketing 29 (1), 50-63, 2011
Applying the involvement construct to organisational crises
L McDonald, CEJ Härtel
Faculty of Business & Economics, Monash University, 2000
Incorporating Attributional Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action Within an Aggective Events Theory Framework to Produce a Contingency Predictive Model of Consumer Reactions …
C Härtel, JR McColl-Kennedy, L McDonald
Advances in Consumer Research 25 (1), 1998
Back to the future: Is strategic management (re) emerging as public relations' dominant paradigm?
LM McDonald, AG Hebbani
PRism 8 (1), 1-16, 2011
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in banking: what we know, what we don't know, and what we should know
LM McDonald
Companion to Financial Services Marketing, Chapter 36, 2015
Prepare for anger, look for love: A ready reckoner for crisis scenario planners
L Mcdonald, J Cokley
Swinburne, 2013
Measuring Consumers Emotional Reactions to Company Crises: Scale Development and Implications.
L McDonald, A Ian Glendon, B Sparks
Advances in consumer research 39, 2011
Using student-constructed cases to investigate crises
LM McDonald
Journal of Management Education 37 (1), 115-134, 2013
Perceiving is believing: How consumers’ attributions about the cause of the Ansett Airlines’ safety crisis impacted outcomes
L McDonald
Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal 6 (2), 1-13, 2006
Developing public disaster communication for volunteer recruitment: understanding volunteer motivations
LM McDonald, M Creber, H Sun, L Sonn
Peter Lang Publishing, 2015
Consumer-preferred company responses following a crisis: The importance of taking responsibility
L McDonald, CEJ Hartel
Monash University, 2000
Use of different corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives as a crisis mitigation strategy
LM McDonald
2nd Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and …, 2006
Incorporating attribution theory and the theory of reasoned action within an affective events theory framework to produce a contingency predictive model of consumer reactions …
C Hsrtel, JR McColl-Kennedy, L McDonald
Advances in Consumer Research 25, 428-432, 1998
From Best Evidence to Best Practice: Industry Insights from Recent CSR research
LM McDonald
International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, 67, 2014
Impact of communicated company accounts during various crises on consumers emotions, attitudes and behavioral intentions
L McDonald
Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 2005
Corporate communication effects and crisis type: Deriving managerial implications from theory
B Sparks, I Glendon, L McDonald
Marketing: Building business, shaping society. https://research-repository …, 2005
Peanut Butter, Salmonella Poisoning and Children: On Becoming ‘Involved’and Angry Following a Company Crisis
L McDonald, CEJ Härtel
Queensland Review 7 (1), 69-76, 2000
Consumerpreferred Company Responses Following a Crisis
L McDonald, CEJ Härtel
Working Paper, Monash University Faculty of Business and Economics, Melbourne, 2000
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Articles 1–20